Need help with revenge
(too old to reply)
2003-12-22 07:06:48 UTC
I've decided to bring this post into PGH just like Gary has with mine -
thanks for the tip Gary - this is fun.

Now why wold you go into alt.revenge and post Patrick? STALKING are we?
I didn't stay up all night - I went to bed around 4am - that's my typical
Out of your hands??? DOES THAT MEAN YOU WILL FINALLY SHUT UP??? I doubt it!
Going away for a month? I tried to go away forever, but you fuckups keep
mentioning my name and I have to read it in the archives - so I come back
because you want me back you fuckin retard.
You should come into the pgh newsgroups and tell that to the morons who
trying to flame me out of there.
If you don't want to be in a flame war you should nip the problem
in the bud as soon as you detect one.
Either immediately apologize, or explain your situation. In some cases,
you will not be able to avoid being flamed once a poster has decided that
you need a good flaming.
It goes with the territory of Usenet. You have the choice not to
respond...Chances are that if you find yourself being flamed, you
If, in the rare instance that you don't deserve it, a kind soul in the
newsgroup may come to your assistance and help you out. You always have
option of flaming in return.
In the case that you feel you are in the right, stand your ground and get
ready for a flame war, if that is what you think you want to do.
Some people just consider the circumstances and move on without
Good luck!
I think you hit the nail on the head with the situation over in the
pittsburgh newsgroups. I wish Edd would learn etiquette.
He's slung so much crap around, he slinks away for about a month, and
then tries to come back. Local newsgroup with dedicated reader base.
I've been on usenet now for about 15 years. Flame wars are easy, and
ultimately useless. Doesn't mean I don't still have the flamethrower
He's resorted to outing me, claims I scratched 'pgh.general' in his
car, and calling me bad names.
Last round, Torllski injected some noise into the groups. I don't
blame him for that, I blame Ed. I warned him if he starts up, I will
ratchet up the flamethrower.
Heck, he stayed up all night last night, because I got him so spun up.
He made his bed, now he has to lie in it. It's bigger than Gary and me
now. Out of my hands. He's irritated too many people I'm afraid to be
able to come back peacefully.
Torllski Protein Shakes
2003-12-23 15:40:45 UTC
You just did in the pgh groups dumb-ass "Name a date and time and send the
cops on over"- caling me full of shit - FUCK YOU FAGGOT - Go away!
You seem pms'd Eddie. Lilliana cut you off again cuz she prefers
having sex with the corpses in the cemetery you live next to, eh?
E S Major's quotes:

Claims insanity:

"I have emotional issues (none that concern you or have anything to do
with my responses in here) and I have physical limitations."

Actually goes insane:

"dodge this... *points BB gun at screen and fires* DIRECT HIT!

Naughty boy:

"Okay... well, I did something in my father's name and soial security

Showing love for mom:

"I want to do something to her that will get under her fingernails and
drill with an engraving tip to where she can't get me back for it."

"my mother's a bitch and deserves to die anyways..."

Show's he's a racist:

"Fuck you nigger"

"Tell congress for all I give a fuck you fuckin nigger-fucker"

Eddie makes a new friend, (Who Cares <***@anytime.com>)

You know Edward, I came to bat for you and asked those in alt.revenge
to give it
a rest.

If you don't change, then you will continue to beat your head against
the wall.
I hear that it will feel better when you stop.