2003-12-22 06:56:31 UTC
Gee - so far I've been accused of being the anonymous remailer, and all they
can do is post headers that are nowhere close to the remailers headers.
Why is it, you may ask, are they assuming that the nym poster is me? Because
they are obsessed with it. They will not stop until I disappear permanently
from usenet altogether - STRIKE 1.
Gary has displayed a recent message of mine from a different newsgroup,
which only proves his obsession with bringing the City of Pittsburgh into
anything I say or do. He believes this will further prove his empty theory
of my mentality. Well Gary, I hate to tell ya this, but STRIKE 2!
I invite these 2 idiots to submit their actual TRACEABLE proof that I myself
am the anonymous remailer user.
I invite them to display headers of the nym postings that can be linked to
my computer ID. An ID I cannot change, for it is programmed into my NIC. Do
you KNOW what NIC stands for guys?
Posting ID's have nothing to do with it, as I can easily put "Gary J.
English" or "Patrick J. Volk" in my "from" box in my outlook... does that
mean I'm THEM? They would have you believe that I am the Torlskii troll as
well I'm sure... well, I aim this next statement to them.
My life and my lifestyle are none of your concern. You MAKE it your concern
by trolling around the other newsgroups I currently post in, and then paste
it back in here, and vise versa. This only tells me you have too much free
time on your hands, and are obsessed with me. I am niether amused, nor
impressed by any of this. The whole goal of a troll is to PURPOSELY cause
havoc by posting off-topic threads full of vulgar insults and empty threats.
As the battle in ended more than 24 hours ago, Gary and
Patrick continue their assault on me in here. ANd Gary, think about it - you
went into alt.revenge and GRABBED my response to someone in there... and
posted it in here - TROLL MATERIAL I hate to say!
I care less about either one of you... especially Patrick and his delusions
about who posted his address and phone #. And I care even LESS about Gary
and his determination to follow me around usenet. Tell me Gary, have you
really thought about your actions instead of compulsively obsessing about
mine? DO you even REALIZE all the posts you have created in and alt.revenge that are off-topic and defamatory? And
please honestly tell me why I care about the difference between slander and
libel - the bottom line is, you have been intentionally dragging my other
postings BACK into Pittsburgh newsgroups - and to be honest with you, I wish
to be RID of this trash filled city. And that INCLUDES you two stooges.
Your obsessing days are numbered guys. Cuz I know for a fact you will get
bored with this and will finally shut your mouths. You've shut up before...
why not do it now? I know why - because you both are more mentally ill than
you accuse ME of being. I post NOW in response to anything YOU post about
me. I've done it before, and I'll do it again as long as you 2 clowns
continue to do it.
I will not stop posting threads here, and I decline your advice, Gary, to
seek professional help. It bothers you, I know. Otherwise you 'd have shut
up a long time ago. And Patrick, your insults will only encourage me to
CONINUE posting this way. Don;t like it? Tough shit pal.
So to you both I say this..... keep it up - I sure can, and I will. The more
posts that contain your continued assault on me, the mroe posts I will do in
defense. So deal with it gentleman.
PS- Hey Gary... I've spoken to my father about you and your "first class
mail"... he's pitching it once he sees it. Sorry dude... I know you were
looking forward to making my life miserable. STRIKE THREE - you are out of
the game! And Patrick, I don;t care about you one way or the other. I want
to see BOTH if you shutup - so if that is my intention, I'm sure it makes no
sense to you that I am the anonymous poster here.
TO THE NYM POSTER - as much as I like you appearing to be on my side, I
would liek to ask you to cease your defenses. These morons will never admit
to themselves that I am not you. So please, back down. Thanks.
(okay Gary - here's your cue to post a "forwarded" message)
can do is post headers that are nowhere close to the remailers headers.
Why is it, you may ask, are they assuming that the nym poster is me? Because
they are obsessed with it. They will not stop until I disappear permanently
from usenet altogether - STRIKE 1.
Gary has displayed a recent message of mine from a different newsgroup,
which only proves his obsession with bringing the City of Pittsburgh into
anything I say or do. He believes this will further prove his empty theory
of my mentality. Well Gary, I hate to tell ya this, but STRIKE 2!
I invite these 2 idiots to submit their actual TRACEABLE proof that I myself
am the anonymous remailer user.
I invite them to display headers of the nym postings that can be linked to
my computer ID. An ID I cannot change, for it is programmed into my NIC. Do
you KNOW what NIC stands for guys?
Posting ID's have nothing to do with it, as I can easily put "Gary J.
English" or "Patrick J. Volk" in my "from" box in my outlook... does that
mean I'm THEM? They would have you believe that I am the Torlskii troll as
well I'm sure... well, I aim this next statement to them.
My life and my lifestyle are none of your concern. You MAKE it your concern
by trolling around the other newsgroups I currently post in, and then paste
it back in here, and vise versa. This only tells me you have too much free
time on your hands, and are obsessed with me. I am niether amused, nor
impressed by any of this. The whole goal of a troll is to PURPOSELY cause
havoc by posting off-topic threads full of vulgar insults and empty threats.
As the battle in ended more than 24 hours ago, Gary and
Patrick continue their assault on me in here. ANd Gary, think about it - you
went into alt.revenge and GRABBED my response to someone in there... and
posted it in here - TROLL MATERIAL I hate to say!
I care less about either one of you... especially Patrick and his delusions
about who posted his address and phone #. And I care even LESS about Gary
and his determination to follow me around usenet. Tell me Gary, have you
really thought about your actions instead of compulsively obsessing about
mine? DO you even REALIZE all the posts you have created in and alt.revenge that are off-topic and defamatory? And
please honestly tell me why I care about the difference between slander and
libel - the bottom line is, you have been intentionally dragging my other
postings BACK into Pittsburgh newsgroups - and to be honest with you, I wish
to be RID of this trash filled city. And that INCLUDES you two stooges.
Your obsessing days are numbered guys. Cuz I know for a fact you will get
bored with this and will finally shut your mouths. You've shut up before...
why not do it now? I know why - because you both are more mentally ill than
you accuse ME of being. I post NOW in response to anything YOU post about
me. I've done it before, and I'll do it again as long as you 2 clowns
continue to do it.
I will not stop posting threads here, and I decline your advice, Gary, to
seek professional help. It bothers you, I know. Otherwise you 'd have shut
up a long time ago. And Patrick, your insults will only encourage me to
CONINUE posting this way. Don;t like it? Tough shit pal.
So to you both I say this..... keep it up - I sure can, and I will. The more
posts that contain your continued assault on me, the mroe posts I will do in
defense. So deal with it gentleman.
PS- Hey Gary... I've spoken to my father about you and your "first class
mail"... he's pitching it once he sees it. Sorry dude... I know you were
looking forward to making my life miserable. STRIKE THREE - you are out of
the game! And Patrick, I don;t care about you one way or the other. I want
to see BOTH if you shutup - so if that is my intention, I'm sure it makes no
sense to you that I am the anonymous poster here.
TO THE NYM POSTER - as much as I like you appearing to be on my side, I
would liek to ask you to cease your defenses. These morons will never admit
to themselves that I am not you. So please, back down. Thanks.
(okay Gary - here's your cue to post a "forwarded" message)