Post by Gary J. EnglishForemost, this post was not in any Pittsburgh newsgroup. YOU brought it here to
bring more trouble to the Pittsburgh community.
Sound familiar Gary? You once did it to me, actually twice I believe - hows
it feel to have it done to YOU?
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorHmm, Gary's back at it again.... seems I have to go through this again. ANd
I got plenty of time here....
YOU couldn't keep your mouth shut. You were trolling around in alt.revenge and tried
bringing me into your fight with Jon C. I am not impressed.
And I don;t have to Gary - freedom of speech protects what I say and when...
you are no fuckin cop, if you were, I'm sure you'd be ass deep in brutality
Post by Gary J. EnglishDate: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 08:02:16 GMT
Post by TheMajorAnd what's even funnier is the obsession you have with
keeping it - I asked a psychologist friend of mine, and he
clearly stated that you and Gary seem to have the same
affliction. And someday it will make your life difficult to
handle because of this phase you and Mr. English are in.
Good for you - copy and paste seems to be your specialty...
Post by Gary J. EnglishDate: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 15:52:20 GMT
Post by TheMajorMr. "C", you and Gary apparently are partnered... he's backed off,
you haven't - well I can play this game too - I'm not filtering YOU like
I filtered your faggot boyfriend bubba the jailhouse bitch.
Congrats again - mulitasking - what a feat!
Post by Gary J. EnglishApparently you have this obsession with me, Eddie and I am not flattered.
Niether was I, but you want me to learn from you, the formost expert on
trolling (teranews my ass)
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorWell, here I am breaking my agreement - and why? ASK FUCKUP GARY
You already did. You couldn't keep your filthy mouth shut.
Shut it for me dickless wonder! SHUT IT FOR ME! You can;t so shut the fuck
up and stoip following me into newsgroups - AS YOU JUST DID IN ALT REVENGE!
It;s none of your fuckin business bitch.
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajor<snip>
Mr. "C", you and Gary apparently are partnered...
No, we're not partnered. I don't even recall ever responding to any of
his posts.
But I did find the humor of him snagging the essence of your rage with
that MP3 file
and posting it to his website.
I believe that is part of mental illness... finding humor in someone else's
Then you know little of humor and must find it humiliating that you have an
uncontrollable rage.
Prove it's uncontrolled sir... if it was, I wouldnt be capable of using a
computer and showing you up on your pitiful attempts to ridicul me out of
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorAnd as for his web site, COPYRIGHT
How so? Was this MP3 file not posted in a public forum? Was there any copyrights
associated with that post?
Actually it was posted on a PERSONAL WEBSITE of my creation... I don;t need
any copyright office, as the web site was my creation, as was the file I
posted on *MY* personal site (search the google shit to find the link
Post by Gary J. EnglishReally Edward, I don't think it is going platinum.
Doesn;t have to - although with Jon C illegally publishing it, I'm sure it
will be popular, something I don;t give a fuck about. It's your obsession
and your hypocicy that is annoying. (hypocrit as in followed me into
alt.revenge) gee... if I'm trolling in alt.revenge, what are YOU doing there
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorSince there was no disclaimer on that file and it was posted in a public
forum, it is
public domain.
So I suppose if I were to post an MP3 of a well known pop singer, the file
is no longer copyrighted?
Okay, I will play along with your "let's suppose" game. Just because you posted an
MP3 of a well know pop singer, it does not necessarily mean that the material that
you posted was in fact, copyright protected.
So they should not have shut down napster :) - according to your standards
of course, any multimedia file posted AS A LINK is not copyrighted - it's
public domain - so if you and your wife were viideo'd fucking and someone
posts the link to it, and I put it on my site, how would you feel sir?
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorOr maybe I should post a full-length movie that
isn;t yet on the market... no longer copyrighted right? Interesting theory
Mr. E
Not at all. But your "let's suppose" is a far stretch from someone who in a fit of
rage, created an MP3 file, and foisted it up on the newsgroup(s) and then makes the
claim that it was copyrighted. Can you show everyone where the copyright is, either
on the post or in the copyright office?
Don;t need to - it wasn;t posted as a binary - it was a LINK... hmm, I see
links everywhere for illegal downloads of ythings.... I guess because it is
a LINK, it's now legal? GIVE ME A FUCKIN BREAK GARY! The "lets suppose" is
to prove you wrong asshole.
Post by Gary J. EnglishI would agree that you are probably embarrassed over the entire ordeal. If so, you
would be best to leave it alone and ignore it when possible.
Embarassed? Nope... just annoyed that you keep trying to get rid of me LOL -
that's funny! And ignore it... hmm... I tried, but the faggots in
alt.revenge keep askling about it... go insult THEM you fuckin pittsburgh
piece of pussy whipped cum stain.
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorhe's backed off,
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 08:02:16 GMT
And what's even funnier is the obsession you have with
keeping it - I asked a psychologist friend of mine, and he
clearly stated that you and Gary seem to have the same
affliction. And someday it will make your life difficult to
handle because of this phase you and Mr. English are in.
You brought me in, I responded.
Hmm, wait, no...... oh yes! I do believe I said "gary come fuck with me"
ROFL! You are so fuckin dilusional pal - I didn;t bring you into shit - you
started this months ago when you first insulted me publicly. SO DEAL WITH ME
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorYep - my prerogitive seeing as I'm so "mentally disturbed" as you judge me
I never used those terms, Edward. I did say that I think you need help though.
Help? Oh, well.... maybe you are right *flips through yellow pages for
plasterers* yep - there's the help I need - now if they will just help me
patch these holes :)
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorEd, spend more time with your psychologist friend and look towards your
inner self, I
think it would help. However, I would surmise that "your friend" has
never seen
your posting prowess, the MP3 file and your self admission of your
Actually the person I spoke to has viewed all of my posts, your posts (boy
did he have a LOT of bullshit to cover) and even Jon C's posts... my inner
self is none of your concern there Jackass... but thanks for caring (NOT!)
Your psychologist, friend, viewed all of your posts? Even the one's that you
threaten your mother, father, your father's business and myself?
Yep. 'nuff said as far as I'm concerned. It;s none of your business (as is
none of this other shit is too, but lookie!)
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorThink, what caused you to post the MP3 file? Was it your
Post by Gary J. EnglishThat last line says it all, Edward. You brought a flame war upon yourself in, then you responded by posting that MP3 file. It was all
due to your uncontrollable temper!
Hmm... isn;t that DONE and OVER with now Gary? How long ago was that
anyways? I forgot (oh I remember now, *chuckles* those were the days) but
they like me in there now buddy - so your attempts to make it worse F A I L
E D!
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorYou think about it, I'll laugh about it. Uncontrollable temper????? My
temper? ROFL! I'm in more control than you buddy -
Now that's funny.
You would know fucker... you are the one who keeps laughing. ANd so do I -
here rover! FETCH! Good boy! Now respond like a good little puppy!
<url snipped>
Post by Gary J. EnglishIS your rampant use of filthy language in this post is another example of control,
IS this any of your concern fucker jackass? NO! It isn;t
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajoryou
haven't - well I can play this game too - I'm not filtering YOU like I
filtered your faggot boyfriend bubba the jailhouse bitch.
The above type dialogue only invites more trouble to the newsgroup
community. I wish
you would please refrain.
And I wish you would please shut the fuck up (wow, there I am asking the
impossible AGAIN from a moron like you)
Again, you couldn't stop bringing my name into your fight with Jon C.
pay the price of my wrath :) - or just ignore it and go away and never
mention me again :) - I predict Mr. Broken-English will end up choosing path
1... cuz path 2 would mean he would have to *gasp* NOT RESPOND! Oh my gfary,
DONT do that! I would HATE to be BORED not responding to you Gary!
Post by Gary J. EnglishDate: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 08:02:16 GMT
Post by TheMajorAnd what's even funnier is the obsession you have with
keeping it - I asked a psychologist friend of mine, and he
clearly stated that you and Gary seem to have the same
affliction. And someday it will make your life difficult to
handle because of this phase you and Mr. English are in.
Hmm, time for another set of emails... seeya.
I'm sure that if it ever reaches the administrative level, even they will
get a chuckle out of it.
You'll never know. Sorry Gary. :)
The satisfaction that you raise it to Jon's web server is all I have to know. I can
hear the administrators chuckle now. LOL
And I can hear you typing your next stupid response to all this LOL! But
see, that's the fun of it - I already GOT some positive responses from my
reports, BUT GUESS WHAT! You will never know any of them, of course unless
you-know-who decides to JOIN YOU in your assault on me.
See all I did was mention your name in ONE POST - and here we are again
Gary - back to the same pointless war - so GO AWAY!
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorRemember, I backed off, this is only in response to bringing me into it
again. So
take some advice, no kneejerk reactions to my post and in the future,
leave me out of
your troubles with Jon.
You were never actually out of it... you wait to come back for mroe Gary -
it's in your veins... you CANT stay away from flaming at me.
STOP bringing me into your fights with Jon C. then.
STOP responding to my posts elsewhere then. :-)
Post by Gary J. EnglishI've left you alone in You can fight with them till your
heart's content.
No fights currently in there that involve me - AT ALL (but I'm sure you'll
oblige yourself and start one, er wait - you already got PUSHED outta there
by the regulars for trying that LOL that's right) See Gary, you are DE LEW
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorTake some
advice yourself - go away!
Take some advice, Eddie. Stop bringing me into your fights with Jon C.
Under the word Reduntant, it says "see Gary English" Okay Pete - where's
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorAnd uhm, sorry but I see you and Jon as the same
type of character - so tell HIM about your complaints, not me.
I have no complaints about Jon C. Therefore, it's a moot point.
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorGary J(ackass). English
This post is being thrown back into the pittsburgh newsgroups because
Even though it was not originally posted in here, you wish to bring your troubles
back to the Pittsburgh newsgroup community. It's no wonder you make enemies rather
than building friendships.
Even though my post was never intended for you, you deicded to involve
yourself in alt.revenge... as for friendships, ROFL - guess again... I got
plenty - JEALOUS????
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorGary's constant net-stalking abilities which include following me around the
newsgroups to respond to ANYTHING that is said about him by me.
First, your original x-post is the only reason why I have alt.revenge in the
subscribed groups. The same goes for when you brought your Jon C. problems from to the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
Hmm, I'll repeat MYSELF about that original situation.....
I, sir, was asking advice on how to get information on someone. I was
exercising my right to obtain public infomation about a registrar of a web
site. Many web sites offer basic whois information, and inform you that
advanced user info may be obtainable. I was asking the PROFESSIONALS out
there in cyber-space how this is done... you accuse this post of bringing
trouble? What a crock - GO FIND THE POST! I wanna see you do your BIG
homework..... message ID please - good boy!
Post by Gary J. EnglishSecond, you again cluttered the whole Pittsburgh newsgroup community when someone
flamed you in a construction newsgroup and you brought that post into the Pittsburgh
newsgroups. We had to put up with troll posts for several days.
Awww,,,,, poor gary had to "put up" with it ... hey Gary - do you know where
the "disconnect" or "off" button is? Those are both remedies to your
"putting up" with it LOL! Trust me - it works - walk away and don;t put up
with it. Or erm, put up with it and accuse me as usual.
Post by Gary J. EnglishThird, the "anything" was inviting trouble and you wished to bring me back into your
fight with Jon C. rather than just keeping your mouth shut.
Shut me up biatch - shut me up! :)
Post by Gary J. EnglishWhen are you going to learn?
When you are 65 and collecting Social Security thinking the birds in the
tree above your head are japanese tank killers LOL.
Post by Gary J. EnglishThe more you x-post and bring me into your silly flame wars, the longer it will be
before that Golden Globe MP3 file is likely to fade away. Meanwhile, you'll continue
to bring troll posts into the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
DUMBASS. *ahem*
Post by Gary J. EnglishIs that what you want?
Gary Jackass. English
No - I want you to shut up and leave me alone in other newsgroups - WONT
HAPPEN! Already know it.
FETCH BOY *waits for the return of the cumstained stick*