Harassment from Sir Spamsalot
(too old to reply)
2004-02-03 23:08:06 UTC
His name fits him... Spams A Lot

This idividual has been emailing my father's business account. So I have an
announcement to make, and I am confident that Gary English is probably going
to shake his head and roll his eyes at it.....

I hereby vow to match the emails to my father at a minimum ratio of 2 to 1,
provided my father continues to inform me of every "transgression" you do,
in the form of pgh.* newsgroup threads. I have emailed mr. spamsalot and
informed him that his emails are considered harassment. And I will publicly
reiterate that, along with the added information that it is considered
unsolicited. My father run's a business that has nothing to do with usenet.
Yet this spamsalot person has chosen to include my family in this whole


Your emails are unsolicited, and considered harassment, and I have mentioned
to my father in a voice mail to his business that he is to investigate
civil, and possibly criminal, charges against you should you persist. I
don't have to remind you that my father would be in the right to report your
harassment to both your ISP, and the local authorities.

Leave my father alone before you create more problems for yourself.

Now concerning my posts in alt.cracks... I invite you, sir, to go to the
following web sites and report them as well...


I'll find mroe for you later. Harass THEM, not my family.
Sir Spamsalot
2004-02-04 04:19:53 UTC
Post by TheMajor
His name fits him... Spams A Lot
This idividual has been emailing my father's business account. So I have an
I'm sorry? "Has been emailing"?

Another lie. I sent one email, as a result of you bringing some other email
back here to Usenet. It was a nicely written response to the undoubted lies
you told him when he was made aware of your illegal ventures. You dragged
your father into this. I simply made sure he knew exactly what was going
on, and I'll post a copy of the email I sent him here if you care to have
everyone read it, Edward. You do, after all, seem to enjoy dragging every
piece of dirt you see back to pgh.*.
Post by TheMajor
I hereby vow to match the emails to my father at a minimum ratio of 2 to 1,
Empty threat. In fact please do. I'll gladly report that to you father and
others too. Someone has to deal with you, and as I told your father, it's
better for him to do it than the authorities.
Post by TheMajor
provided my father continues to inform me of every "transgression" you do,
in the form of pgh.* newsgroup threads. I have emailed mr. spamsalot and
I've seen no such email, but when or if it shows up I'll immediately
forward it to your father if I see it as any sort of threat or attack.
Post by TheMajor
Your emails are unsolicited, and considered harassment, and I have mentioned
to my father in a voice mail to his business that he is to investigate
civil, and possibly criminal, charges against you should you persist. I
Best of luck. :)
Post by TheMajor
don't have to remind you that my father would be in the right to report your
harassment to both your ISP, and the local authorities.
Leave my father alone before you create more problems for yourself.
More empty threats. I'll have to assume that since you didn't copy THIS
response back here to Usenet, your father now realizes exactly what it is
you're doing and how that reflect on him and his business. And just to
reaffirm that, from this point on I'll include a copy of an old message you
posted about "working on a certain machine in your dad's office" with every
reported instance of you trying to engage in software theft. And it won't
be just your father who gets them, it will be the software authors

As I said, your parents should be the ones to take responsibility for your
actions, as it appears you are unable to do so. If that means pointing out
the way you implicate your father's business in your illegal activities,
then so be it.
Post by TheMajor
Now concerning my posts in alt.cracks... I invite you, sir, to go to the
following web sites and report them as well...
Trying to draw attention away from yourself by focusing it on others? Thank
you for letting me know you're worried about being turned in, Edward.
2004-02-04 08:48:17 UTC
Post by Sir Spamsalot
Empty threat. In fact please do. I'll gladly report that to you father and
others too. Someone has to deal with you, and as I told your father, it's
better for him to do it than the authorities.
And how do you really think my father wil deal with me, other than informing
me of your spam? I hate to burst your bubble, but he won;t do anything you
wish him to do soimply because YOU request it.
Post by Sir Spamsalot
Post by TheMajor
provided my father continues to inform me of every "transgression" you do,
in the form of pgh.* newsgroup threads. I have emailed mr. spamsalot and
I've seen no such email, but when or if it shows up I'll immediately
forward it to your father if I see it as any sort of threat or attack.
GO ahead - see if I sweat over it
Post by Sir Spamsalot
Post by TheMajor
Your emails are unsolicited, and considered harassment, and I have mentioned
to my father in a voice mail to his business that he is to investigate
civil, and possibly criminal, charges against you should you persist. I
Best of luck. :)
Tell him good luck - not me
Post by Sir Spamsalot
Post by TheMajor
don't have to remind you that my father would be in the right to report your
harassment to both your ISP, and the local authorities.
Leave my father alone before you create more problems for yourself.
More empty threats. I'll have to assume that since you didn't copy THIS
response back here to Usenet, your father now realizes exactly what it is
you're doing and how that reflect on him and his business. And just to
reaffirm that, from this point on I'll include a copy of an old message you
posted about "working on a certain machine in your dad's office" with every
reported instance of you trying to engage in software theft. And it won't
be just your father who gets them, it will be the software authors
I'm sorry, I'm not aware of any period of time that I used any of my
father's computers... i have no use for his computers.
Post by Sir Spamsalot
As I said, your parents should be the ones to take responsibility for your
actions, as it appears you are unable to do so. If that means pointing out
the way you implicate your father's business in your illegal activities,
then so be it.
My mother is dead to me, and my father has no intention of controlling me...
he can;t, and he already knows and accepts it - why can;t YOU?
Post by Sir Spamsalot
Post by TheMajor
Now concerning my posts in alt.cracks... I invite you, sir, to go to the
following web sites and report them as well...
Trying to draw attention away from yourself by focusing it on others? Thank
you for letting me know you're worried about being turned in, Edward.
I'm not worried the least bit - your reports will fall on deaf ears and
blind eyes - they have mroe bigger fish to fry than one individual who
represents about, and this is a pretty good estimate, 1/1,000,000,000,000th
of the "crack and serial" seekers out there. And I'm actually laughing at
the fact that you think I",m getting nervous. ROFL.