Post by TheMajorI almost forgot to mention, and I'm sure others will notice this too, that
you seem to be the ONLY ONE in this cause against me... maybe Mr. Pengergast
has somethign to say, but not NEARLY as much as you, and it doesn;t even
contain ANY insults as YOUR posts do. I give credit to the rest of the group
who has stayed out of this (thanks)
With all due respect, I make my own choices. As do you, and as does
Gary. You have the right to ask, and Gary has the right to refuse.
In my ten or so years reading this newsgroup, I've never seen Gary
get this pissed off. This is not usual behavior. Then there are the
trolls who are spinning him up even further.
I think probably the last flame war, I've lost some credibility.
I've moved more towards the troll side of the spectrum. But, all I can
do is post sensible stuff, and hope people see I'm not just a troll
who loves to get into flame wars.
People may say bad things, but you just have to grin and bear it.
They remember the bad stuff, and if you revert back to that, they're
absolutely right about you.
It's something you can only do a few times. It's also not something
that you can claim you're turning over a new leaf, and start clean the
next day.
As the transgressor, don't ask him to stop. It just takes things
back to square one, and around we go for one more time. Take your
medicine, don't demand an apology or cease and desist.
Act normal, and ask for one. You might get what you want. Other
people might ask him to stop. That has a better chance of working,
because they're not the transgressor. I know I wouldn't.
Bottom line, it's not up to you. You made a decision, and he made
his. Things have to run their course.
Post by TheMajorPost by TheMajorI'm going to publicly (and well within my rights of freedom of speech)
demand that you cease your attack on me. This is going to get ugly if you
continue to take posts BACK to the paintball forum. DO YOU HEAR ME MR
Noone gives a flying fuck about you or your cause in r.s.p - I wish to
Post by TheMajorat least ONE NEWSGROUP that you won;t bother me in... and I thought I
Post by TheMajorit, but you just decide to crosspost the bullshit into there, and then
accuse me of doing the same! IF IT IS WRONG TO DO THEN DONT YOU DO IT
Stop it now. Final warning.