Post by SgtMajorHey Gary - thanks to you and your fuckin faggot anonymous boyfriends, the
fuckin people in R.S.P decided not to talk to me - YOU ARE SUCH A FUCKIN
FAGGOT - if I ever catch you on the street motherfucker you WILL not like
it... COME AROUND HERE BITCH! I'll show you what I know about you and your
fuckin faggoty ass.
Fuckin gangbanger wannabe BASTARD!
Calm down Eddie, its Christmas! If you're real nice, Lilliana might
let you watch her suck your dad's weewee.
E S Major's quotes:
Claims insanity:
"I have emotional issues (none that concern you or have anything to do
with my responses in here) and I have physical limitations."
Actually goes insane:
"dodge this... *points BB gun at screen and fires* DIRECT HIT!
Naughty boy:
"Okay... well, I did something in my father's name and soial security
Showing love for mom:
"I want to do something to her that will get under her fingernails and
drill with an engraving tip to where she can't get me back for it."
"my mother's a bitch and deserves to die anyways..."
Show's he's a racist:
"Fuck you nigger"
"Tell congress for all I give a fuck you fuckin nigger-fucker"
Eddie makes a new friend, (Who Cares <***>)
You know Edward, I came to bat for you and asked those in alt.revenge
to give it
a rest.
If you don't change, then you will continue to beat your head against
the wall.
I hear that it will feel better when you stop.