Post by f***@earthlink.netOn Fri, 13 Feb 2004 21:27:41 -0500, Copelandia Cyanescens
Post by Copelandia CyanescensPatrick J. Volk wrote...
Post by Patrick J. VolkPost by f***@earthlink.netTrust me when I say that I would NEVER return to that region
Post by Patrick J. VolkOuch.... 3.7 on the Fischer-Kinkaid Grade level... I think someone's
family tree seems to be missing a few branches!
Did you mean the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level? :)
Er, yeah, what you said.
Post by f***@earthlink.netPost by Copelandia CyanescensThe best I could get from Mr. Fakemail's text was a solid 4.8 after
suggested corrections. I suppose that tells us his writing skill is
rather lacking to begin with.
I didn't think you could handle anything tougher than a 3.7.
And I knew I was pushing the limit with that.
How about this.......
See native Pittsburger,
See native Pittsburger try to count to ten
See native Pittsburger stroke.
Sorry you sound so bitter you had to leave the area. I've seen
Columbus, Fredericksburg, Tucson, and Denver. Out of those, I like
I'll take the drive, as long as I don't get the sprawl. Robinson and
Cranberry are definitely reminding me of Fredericksburg (which was a
nice little town, until they put in the big-ass mall.. Saturday
morning, it would take me about 25 minutes to go the mile it took to
get on I-95).
I will say if I had to move, I'd probably live in Baltimore. Has
that neighborhood feel unlike everywhere else I've been.
Bars where people actually hung out, instead of the restaurant-bars
where people shied away from.
Places where the houses were close enough where you actually got to
know your neighbors.
Places that don't have housing covenants, so there was a little
This is kind of an ambiguous one, a place where the property values
ain't skyrocketing, jacking up rents about $40 a year. 1-bedroom in
Fredericksburg 5 years ago: $575 (It's probably around $700 now, and
that is about 60 miles away from DC). 2-bedroom in Ingram, $495 (gas
included). Where I can get a 3-bedroom house in decent shape for about
Most native Pittsburghers I've run into would love to come back.
Pittsburgh is an unsual place with the neighborhoods being pretty
different. Trying to explain it to people not from here is tough.
Until I was about 16, most people on my hill didn't have to leave it.
If they wanted clothes, they would go 'downstreet', or then venture to
the mall. There was a food shop always within walking distance even
for the seniors.
Poor Mr. Fakeemail... I think he had trouble getting hooked up here.
Not to say he doesn't have that problem now. Although from what I
hear, that is a problem in these parts.
And I'll take 10 degrees over 90 degrees/90% RH any day of the week.
I'll go out more in winter here than I would in summer in
Fredericksburg. Too damn hot. 110, but it's a dry heat? My ass!
You can put on as many clothes as necessary. You can only take so
many off.