Post by SgtMajorPost by Patrick J. VolkPost by SgtMajorMr. English Skillz seems to want to POSTAL MAIL my father everything I
say n
Post by Patrick J. VolkPost by SgtMajorhere - I should probably publicly warn the faggot activist that my father
will just toss it all in the garbage - but hey - if you want to waste the
postage, be my guest - I can easily call my father's shipping department
(the people who actually RECEIVE the mail) and let them know that he will
Post by Patrick J. VolkPost by SgtMajorreceiving some records from you... and don;t bother omiting the return
address, I've already heard my father say he trashes mail that doesn;t
identify the source... what with that anthrax thing and all *shrugs*
Your choice dudette... you are wasting your time and harassing my father
(hmm, then again, let ME do the harassment... I can find legal ways of
Post by Patrick J. VolkMethinks the idiot doth protest too much. If you're on such good
terms, I'm sure your father will listen to you.
Fuck my father Patty - I don;t give a fuck what he listens to - I just know
for a fact that Gary's papers will go unopened and right into the trash!
My father can go to hell now - he's proved to me that his balls were given
up to that bitch of a wife of his YEARS AGO! The man wouldn;t even come to
my wedding... why? Because his wife was "hurting" because he is still
tired of putting up with him being so fuckin pussy whipped!
You're a terminal liar, Ed. We know that. If you really weren't
worried about Gary sending some mail, you wouldn't be making threats.
If I stole off my parents, I wouldn't expect them to come to mine. If
you were my son (and I thank God every day that you ain't), I wouldn't
put you up in a house. If you don't like your life, sonny, do
something about it.
And, do you think he would've showed up at your wedding if you
*didn't* talk to him? If my wife wasn't welcome, I wouldn't probably
wouldn't show up. When you screw with your own family, them turning
their back on you *is* a possibility. You probably didn't consider
that when you did what you did to estrange them, did you?
I don't think it's the 'bitch of a wife' that's the problem, IMHO.
It's the bastard of a son.
Otherwise, quit your bitching. Action? This is action?
Not in my neighborhood. My advice for your action would be to get
independent, instead of pretending. It's obvious that you resent being
You do that, one of two things will happen. You make it, which is
good, and you gain the life experience which should help you.
But the one I would expect is you wouldn't (you reach out, and your
finances sink), but you would still gain the life experience, and
realize how well you had it.
Am I right, or wrong in the above statement? It ain't good, it ain't
bad, it just is.
You're lazy Ed. Believe it or not, you are. You're always looking
for the easy score, when it comes to either money, or socialization.
Don't want to really work at them. You lack patience.
Then when you fail, you blame everybody else. Don't think we all
don't notice you seem to be running out of friends, Ed.
I did, and continue to give the lassitude to you, until you start
your same old shenanigans. You pissed us all off, and then you come
back. Then you start posting 5 and 6 posts in a row, and then that's
where I come in.
Keep posting, and I'll keep calling you an idiot. I will demonstrate
to as many people as possible your character, or lack of it. You're
angry? Not my problem. They started it? Not my problem either.
My problem is you're here, spewing junk, and you're a ill-behaved
moron. If you behave nice, it won't bother me. But I can't speak for
everyone who you've pissed off, as there are so many of them.