2004-07-05 01:56:49 UTC
Ditka had a heart attack during that game, IIRC.
Like you recall Elizabeth dying of cancer while youwere divorcing her?
You remember Elizabeth, "The Wicked Witch of the North",
divorce; tell us all how Diane Pendergast divorced you while you were
fighting the child molestation charges.
Megan Law, Breckenridge PD database:
Pendergast, Thomas
818 9th Ave,
Brackenridge, PA 15014-1024
I will find out who your kids friends are.
I will find your synagogue and other folks who attend it.
From: Tom Pendergast <***@icubed.com>I will find your synagogue and other folks who attend it.
Newsgroups: rec.autos.sport.nascar
Subject: Re: Killfile....how many are in yours
Date: 31 Dec 2002 05:34:34 GMT
Organization: Noneayoubizness
Lines: 27
NNTP-Posting-Host: du201p169.icubed.com (
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
I buy a lot of "junk" at the local Post Office auctions,
they have them twice a year, and you can see eerything
before you bid on it. It's items where the box has been
destroyed, people decide they don't want something and
just dump it back into the mailbox and it falls apart, etc.
So this one time out I spot one of these gizmos!. The
plastic tube with the clamps and the suction ball and the
magic snake oil in a tube, and I figure "what the heck",
it would be good for a gag gift or something, so I bid
for it and got it for three bucks. Such a deal!
OK, so the temptation got to me, you know. Give it a
try. Did it work, Did I add inches overnight??? I dunno.
I couldn't get the damned thing on. It was just too
(sigh) -tight-.