Newsgroups: pgh.opinion,pgh.freenet,pgh.general
Subject: Re: Edwiener's Personal Information
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 22:09:33 GMT
news flash fucko...
The fax # is defunctsince about 4 years ago... and the cell # is cricket you
fuckin moron.
Oh yeah - I'm gonna go and publish my own information - you are such a
fuckin dweeb... first off, patrick has no proof outside of a couple emails
that I am a remailer user - so guess what - PATRICK GOT PLAYED - but of
course you'll only believe your own lies and bullshit - I can smell it from
Second, remailers aren't traceable... GARY the nimrod has even acknowledged
that previously and recently - so compare #'s all you want ya fuckin
jailbait fucker... get a clue, get a grip, and get alife!
AFor the rest of ya, ROFL - whatever - I'm not interested in any of this.
That doesn;t mean I won;t respond, but none of you have the fuckin brains in
your heads to shut up and drop things. Seeya next round.
We had all hoped there would not be a next round.
Subject: Re: Matched - 2 to 1 Minimum
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 22:16:40 GMT
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 17:16:40 EST
You and Jeff have made your point. My father today made the same point.
I'm unsubscribing from the NG's that still contain this war.
I had hoped you would keep your word with Jeff. Unsubscribe or atleast not harrass
the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
Newsgroups: pgh.freenet,pgh.general,pgh.opinion
Subject: BRING IT ON!
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 22:45:18 GMT
X-Trace: 1075934718 (Wed, 04 Feb 2004 17:45:18 EST)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 17:45:18 EST
Xref: pgh.freenet:2511 pgh.general:10078 pgh.opinion:33158
X-Received-Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 17:45:18 EST (
Well well well... seems someone out there likes to make threats...
The #1 post illustrates that you don't want to stop stating, "Seeya next round". So
a remailer posted your info., let it go. Yet you wish to spam the Pittsburgh
The #2 post states you will be unsubscribing from the groups that contain the "war".
The #3 post goes back on your own word about unsubscribing and posting your crap
about a remailer.
I had nothing to do with all three of those posts, yet you wish to harrass the
Pittsburgh community. You are not going to convince anyone of your desire to stop
this if you are going to continue posting your emails in the newsgroups.
Please stop spamming the newsgroups.
Gary J. English