As in shut your fuckin pie hole cuz it wasn;t me and there's nothing you can
say or do to prove that it was me...
Coincidentally, I believe Mr. Jackass was also awake at that time.,... so
Post by I-zheet M'drurzPost by Joe EspositoThat isn't me posting it - I could give a f**K less where you live
and what your phone # is
You posted using the "Anonymous" and "starwars" ID and less then
5 minutes later you responded to the post using the SgtMajor ID.
All of this you did at 3am. Chances are you were the only idiot
awake to post those messages.
You are to simple-minded to hide your identity!
Many, MANY moons ago, back in the PRODIGY days (I told you so!)
there was a particular expression based on truth, and it was
used to help describe the situation of having pushed somebody
over the edge.
When you REALLY got under somebody's skin to the point where
they started doing illegal and STUPID things, they would often
do it via an e-mail to you in the middle of the night. It was
called "3AM e-mail", as in "Larry Loser is starting to send me
3AM e-mails" or "Watch out, next thing you know he'll be
sending you 3AM e-mails" all based on the absolute GUARANTEE
that the rattled soul WAS sitting there in the middle of the
night pounding the butcher knife into the desk top and
cranking out nastygrams on the computer.
Ed has gone over the edge, he is sitting at the computer
pounding the butcher knife into the desk, sending Pittsburgh
Usenet "3AM e-mail" and I don't doubt for a minute that he's
mailing it (through pussy remailers) to people as well.
Get help, Ed. Get a friggin' shrink before you hurt somebody.
And if you ever come back to Usenet again, you might want to
try the Internet version of the witness protection program.
Of course, if you come back acting like your asshole self
acts these days, people will figure out it's you in about a
day and a half, tops.
Baisez-les s'ils ne peuvent pas prendre une plaisanterie
Tom Pendergast e-mail is for sissies, say it on line