Security System
(too old to reply)
2004-01-22 23:58:35 UTC
Seeing as the remailer troll is originally from these groups, I believe this
post belongs here.

Is there a way to install a TEMPORARY security system on doors and
to a home? I'm moving out of state within the next year.
Get daddy to pay for it. It's his house, and he supports your fat ass
anyway. If he refuses, steal his credit card numbers again. When you get
caught, cry like a little girl and threaten to kill yourself until he
up trying to teach you how to be a man. Worked before, right?
2004-01-23 21:19:21 UTC
Gary, FUCK OFF! I'm tired of you bringing shit into the paintball NG - the
fuckin troll followed me FROM THIS NEWSGROUP to the fuckin construction
group - and now YOU are looking JUST LIKE that troll by cross posting into
the paintball group - STAY OUT OF IT YOU FUCKIN RETARD!

As far as I'm concerned *YOU* could be the remailer - and thanks to your
post today, that's all the evidence I needed to prove to myself that you ARE
one of the fuckin trolls here - LEAVE IT BE YOU FUCKIN REDUNDANT ASSHOLE!

God damnit - why can;t you fuckin leave shit alone? STAY OUT OF SHIT THAT

PRESENT - BUT LEAVE IT GO! GOD DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by TheMajor
Seeing as the remailer troll is originally from these groups, I believe this
post belongs here.
What was the purpose of responding by crossposting it to the Pittsburgh
newsgroups, Edward?
Is it your intent to keep the flame wars going?
Post by TheMajor
I hope not. Please refrain responding to my post and remailers post in
future and let things well enough alone.
Gary J. English
Post by TheMajor
Is there a way to install a TEMPORARY security system on doors and
to a home? I'm moving out of state within the next year.
Get daddy to pay for it. It's his house, and he supports your fat ass
anyway. If he refuses, steal his credit card numbers again. When you get
caught, cry like a little girl and threaten to kill yourself until he
up trying to teach you how to be a man. Worked before, right?
2004-01-24 01:27:39 UTC
Gary, I'll continue to repost in pgh newsgroups till you shut the fuck up in
the paintball forum - this nonsense doesn;t belong in there.

I reposted the post from the construction place BECAUSE the troll FROM THIS
NEWSGROUP went there and fuckin slammed me for no reason - you once posted
one of MY posts in THIS set of newsgroups because I am from Pittsburgh - so

Take heed to some advice - shut up now and I'll shut up - keep responding in
the paintball forum, and I'll continue exactly what I am doing - and I'll
repeat what I said previously - I'm not filtering you because I don;t feel
it is MY responsibility to cease attacks YOU continue to forge ahead with...

You shutup, I'll shutup - Comprendé? (probably not)
Post by TheMajor
Gary, FUCK OFF! I'm tired of you bringing shit into the paintball NG -
I am not bringing "s***" into this newsgroup, rather attempting to keep it
polluting our local newsgroups. I politely asked you not to respond to my
post or
respond to remailers' posts. Simply read, comprehend and refrain in the
The Pittsburgh community and myself are tired of you bringing trouble to
newsgroups and that's what your redirected post does.
Post by TheMajor
fuckin troll followed me FROM THIS NEWSGROUP to the fuckin construction
group -
So why did you post it in the Pittsburgh groups? Why? Keep it in that
newsgroup, where your fight started.
Better yet, ignore their post.
Post by TheMajor
and now YOU are looking JUST LIKE that troll by cross posting into
the paintball group - STAY OUT OF IT YOU FUCKIN RETARD!
In hindsight, maybe I should have responded by posting it back were it
the construction newsgroup. I didn't crosspost it, rather directed the
post back to
your new hangout, rec.sport.paintball so you'll get the message.
On the contrary, it was you that redirected the original post from a
newsgroup and crossposted it to three Pittsburgh newsgroups.
Post by TheMajor
As far as I'm concerned *YOU* could be the remailer - and thanks to your
post today, that's all the evidence I needed to prove to myself that you ARE
one of the fuckin trolls here - LEAVE IT BE YOU FUCKIN REDUNDANT ASSHOLE!
No, I do not use a remailer. But as you know, I have had a problem with
forging my posting ID with a teranews account. Coincidently, this
happened after you
twice invited posters from alt.revenge to harrass me.
Post by TheMajor
God damnit - why can;t you fuckin leave shit alone? STAY OUT OF SHIT THAT
When you take a post from a construction newsgroup and crosspost it to
three local
newsgroups, it concerns me. The same concern as you invited alt.revenge
to the
Pittsburgh newsgroups.
Quit inviting trouble.
Post by TheMajor
PRESENT - BUT LEAVE IT GO! GOD DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ignore it? Take your own suggestion. Ignore the post in the construction
Don't crosspost it in the Pittsburgh newsgroups and stop flirting with
trouble in
I am tired of fighting with you. So quit stirring the pot by crossposting
fights into the Pittsburgh newsgroups, ignore the trolls, use your filter
and review
headers to recognize forged posts.
Nuf said,
Gary J. English
Post by TheMajor
Post by TheMajor
Seeing as the remailer troll is originally from these groups, I
Post by TheMajor
Post by TheMajor
post belongs here.
What was the purpose of responding by crossposting it to the Pittsburgh
newsgroups, Edward?
Is it your intent to keep the flame wars going?
Post by TheMajor
I hope not. Please refrain responding to my post and remailers post in
future and let things well enough alone.
Gary J. English
Post by TheMajor
Is there a way to install a TEMPORARY security system on doors and
to a home? I'm moving out of state within the next year.
Get daddy to pay for it. It's his house, and he supports your fat ass
anyway. If he refuses, steal his credit card numbers again. When you
Post by TheMajor
caught, cry like a little girl and threaten to kill yourself until he
up trying to teach you how to be a man. Worked before, right?
Gary J. English
2004-01-24 04:06:59 UTC
Post by TheMajor
Gary, I'll continue to repost in pgh newsgroups till you shut the fuck up in
the paintball forum - this nonsense doesn;t belong in there.
Learn some netiquette and clean your sorry act up. YOUR NONSENSE doesn't
belong in the Pittsburgh newsgroups.

REALITY: A Troll followed you to a construction newsgroup.

The Troll agitated you in that construction newsgroup. You choices are:

A. Ignore troll.
B. Use filter to block out troll
C. If you don't accept A or B, confine your fights to that newsgroup



1) inviting trolls into the Pittsburgh newsgroups to harrass me

2) taking your fight with Jon C. of rec.sport.paintball after posting a
MP3 FILE and bringing your problems back to the Pittsburgh newsgroups
to get information on him.
Post by TheMajor
I reposted the post from the construction place BECAUSE the troll FROM THIS
Really? How did you determine that?

Since you wish to fraternize in alt.revenge where TROLLS are known to congregate,
what do you expect? WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, EDWARD?
Post by TheMajor
went there and fuckin slammed me for no reason -
I am sure this person slammed you for a multitude of reasons. The obvious is that
he/she doesn't like you OR this person gets a kick everytime you go off the deep end
on their posts.

YOUR only purpose for responding to a troll and crossposting it to the Pittsburgh
newsgroups is to your intent to keep the flame wars going and seek attention.

Grow up!

Gary J. English
2004-01-24 06:02:21 UTC
Post by Gary J. English
Learn some netiquette and clean your sorry act up. YOUR NONSENSE doesn't
belong in the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
And you have the right o make that judgement...... WHY? I'm just curious to
know why you believe you are the pgh.* newsgroup leader... last I checked,
these were UNMODERATED, PUBLIC servers, and anyone can post here.
Post by Gary J. English
REALITY: A Troll followed you to a construction newsgroup.
And where did he follow me FROM sir? Hmm, NOT the paintball site, unless my
outlook has secretly filtered a harang of messages THERE from every possible
posting ID ever.
Post by Gary J. English
A. Ignore troll.
I don;t feel I have to ignore anyone just because they wish they had a set
of balls and they spew nonsense...
Post by Gary J. English
B. Use filter to block out troll
Not when the posting ID changes every day, and again, I don;t feel the need
to be responsibile to ignore the retards (like yourself)
Post by Gary J. English
C. If you don't accept A or B, confine your fights to that newsgroup
You involved rec.sport.paintball, I involve Pittsburgh, after all, this post
I am replying to WAS POSTED THERE now by you - thanks:)
Post by Gary J. English
Uhm, you brought it as well by posting in a newsgroup I frequent... you
involved innocent bystanders into your obsession with me. And I am greatful
that they choose to ignore it and not respond to it.
Post by Gary J. English
You would make an excellent lawyer - either that or a teacher - you seem to
have the homework done - bravo Mr. broken-english - BRAVO!
Post by Gary J. English
1) inviting trolls into the Pittsburgh newsgroups to harrass me
My god - he ACTUALLY feels harassed? Shit! Someone quick! CALL THE MAYOR!
Post by Gary J. English
2) taking your fight with Jon C. of rec.sport.paintball after posting a
MP3 FILE and bringing your problems back to the Pittsburgh newsgroups
to get information on him.
Hmm, I fail to see the violation of Verizon's Terms of Service... I believe
I invoked my right to ask advice in NG's of my locale... hmm... a call to
verizon may verify that I was not in any violation there. Thanks for
bringing that up, I'll be sure to confirm this with my ISP.

I also don;t see where any of that is your business... (I seem to be
repeating myself in that aspect - see a pattern here Mr. English? NO???,
hmm..... maybe I should say it more)
Post by Gary J. English
Post by TheMajor
I reposted the post from the construction place BECAUSE the troll FROM THIS
Really? How did you determine that?
Gee - I distinctly remember THESE NG's being the places where the troll
started, AND continued his assault on me... do your homework... I'm sure you
will find that the majority of the troll's war against me was in the PGH
newsgroups (every so often splitting off into newsgroups after SEARCHING
archives for my existence) WAIT! Didn;t *YOU* do the same thing recently???
Sounds familiar I believe.
Post by Gary J. English
Since you wish to fraternize in alt.revenge where TROLLS are known to congregate,
what do you expect? WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, EDWARD?
Where I "fraternize" (sounds like I work for him ROFL) is my business (oh
god, here I am saying it AGAIN)

I expect you to stay out of it - boy was I sincerely wrong in that
assumption - here you are AGAIN (and the only one I might add) complaining
about my existence - DEAL WITH IT! I'm not going away just because you
complain. I can complain about YOU all I want, that doesn;t mean *YOU* will
go away does it? (mumbles to self: please say yes LMAO)
Post by Gary J. English
Post by TheMajor
went there and fuckin slammed me for no reason -
I am sure this person slammed you for a multitude of reasons. The obvious is that
he/she doesn't like you OR this person gets a kick everytime you go off the deep end
on their posts.
First, it was for no reason... I messaged a construction forum concerning
the possibility of a home improvement I wish to make... and his message to
it promoted no responses from anyone in that group - and uhm, I belive I had
said that the initial attack started in the pgh forums.

Also, My prerogitive... my choice, none of your business - gee, am I wrong?
Am I making an ILLEGAL observation that my fights are none of your business?
Hmm, shall I respond to every one of YOUR posts bitching about a city budget
or the mayor or whoever you decided to publicly libel this week (as I am
already responding to your attack on me)?
Post by Gary J. English
YOUR only purpose for responding to a troll and crossposting it to the Pittsburgh
newsgroups is to your intent to keep the flame wars going and seek attention.
My intention is none of your business, but hey - I'll let you in on my
actual intention seeing as you so desperately are interested in my goals...
I intend to stand up for what I believe (somewhat like you posting comments
about Pittsburgh Government and their actions)... and right now I believe a
number of things.....

1, The fight between the remailer faggot and I is none of your business
(redundancy seems to be happening here, wouldn't you say?)

2, The constant reposting of my posts AND your continued assault on me in
the paintball groups is unwarranted, and is a FEEBLE attempt at getting THEM
to flame at me again (isn;t that the job of a troll? hmm...)

3, That I have every reason to CONTINUE to reply to your pitiful libelous
Post by Gary J. English
Grow up!
With all due respect sir, if I am to grow up, according to your standards,
how can I when YOU keep posting insults and accusations??? Care to answer
THAT oh "self appointed role-model of the internet"?
Post by Gary J. English
Gary J. English
Hmm..... shall I rephrase that above?

NAH! I'll wait to see if he actually listens to my offer that when he shuts
up, I will shut up (again, I doubt he understands the continued offer of
stopping this)

ATTENTION PAINTBALL PEOPLE (as I'm sure this will end up there again)

Just continue to ignore what is going on - I realize it may be a nuisance
having to download this debate, but Gary asked for it by posting my message
into this newsgroup, and I do not intend to REPLY whatsoever into



Gary's Obsession
Gary J. English
2004-01-24 18:04:21 UTC
Gary J. English threw up in message
Post by Gary J. English
Learn some netiquette and clean your sorry act up. YOUR NONSENSE doesn't
belong in the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
And you have the right o make that judgement...... WHY?
It's not passing judgement. Experience dictates to stem the tide of the floods that
you've created before they begin. Three examples:

You invited trolls from alt.revenge to the Pittsburgh newsgroups to harrass me. The
result was a flood of posts and that's when forgeries started with my posting ID.

You started a flame war in rec.sport.paintball with your MP3 file, then bring your
troubles to the pgh newsgroups creating more havoc.

I AGREE, YOU POSTED A LEGITIMATE QUESTION in a construction newsgroup.


You justify the crosspost by your belief that the trolling emanated from the
Pittsburgh newsgroups. Since you do hang out in alt.revenge where trolling exists,
did you ever consider that the source?

Your kneejerk response dumping the post into three Pittsburgh newsgroups is not the
solution and would only serve to create even more havoc in the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
I'm just curious to
know why you believe you are the pgh.* newsgroup leader...
I've never implied as such, but have repeatedly asked you to exercise some
last I checked,
these were UNMODERATED, PUBLIC servers, and anyone can post here.
This is true, but no one wants somebody posting in a community newsgroup that tends
to bring trouble. I've left you alone in your new hobby newsgroup till you brought
your troubles back to three Pittsburgh newsgroups.
Post by Gary J. English
REALITY: A Troll followed you to a construction newsgroup.
And where did he follow me FROM sir?
How am I to know where the troll followed you from, Edward?
Hmm, NOT the paintball site, unless my
outlook has secretly filtered a harang of messages THERE from every possible
posting ID ever.
Filtering has nothing to do with a troll following you. Filtering has everything to
do with blocking out those messages from your newsreader.

A simple search on your posting ID is likely how you were followed.

Please, ignore the trolls, try filtering and stop inviting trouble to the Pittsburgh
newsgroups and I won't respond by posting to your latest endeavor in

When you get proficient at paintball, do me a favor and set up a fundraiser for a
charity involving Mayor Murphy as the target. I'll contribute to the cause.

End it here.

Gary J. English
2004-01-24 18:51:12 UTC
Gary J. English threw up in message
Post by Gary J. English
Learn some netiquette and clean your sorry act up. YOUR NONSENSE doesn't
belong in the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
And you have the right o make that judgement...... WHY?
It's not passing judgement. Experience dictates to stem the tide of the floods that
blah blah blah - you still have no right to pass judgement on people you
don;t know
You invited trolls from alt.revenge to the Pittsburgh newsgroups to harrass me. The
result was a flood of posts and that's when forgeries started with my posting ID.
And how do *YOU* know they originated in alt.revenge? Funny how you asked me
the same thing - now I ask of YOU the same... truth is you don;t know... I
however based my decision on EVIDENCE of the attack on me in these very
You started a flame war in rec.sport.paintball with your MP3 file, then bring your
troubles to the pgh newsgroups creating more havoc.
I'll ask again - where in Verizon's rules does it state that I cant come
into my locale and ask for advice onhow to get information? Is this NOT
called the "information super highway"? Keep crying buddy - it won;t do any
good. As for my MP3, my choice, none of your business.
I AGREE, YOU POSTED A LEGITIMATE QUESTION in a construction newsgroup.
My ass you agree - only thing I see you agreing to is your attempt to get
rid of me.
I was followed into a group I hang out in... (TWICE!) Once by you
You justify the crosspost by your belief that the trolling emanated from the
Pittsburgh newsgroups. Since you do hang out in alt.revenge where trolling exists,
did you ever consider that the source?
Nope - not at all... why didn;t I? Because I don;t have to - I was slammed
in the PGH newsgroups by trolls... so how do I NOT know they came from
here??? After all I believe one of them even said they saw my house and once
saw me loading something off my porch - hmm... coincidence? According to you
Your kneejerk response dumping the post into three Pittsburgh newsgroups is not the
solution and would only serve to create even more havoc in the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
And your actions of going into the paintball group and posting any reply I
give you can create that same havoc (I've recently noticed someone told you
to keep this discussion out of there) GOOD! Told you they wouldn;t care or
I'm just curious to
know why you believe you are the pgh.* newsgroup leader...
I've never implied as such, but have repeatedly asked you to exercise some
And I've asked you to excercise some common sense and drop this wholoe
thing - you don;t listen to me, why should I listen to YOU? I'm not going
last I checked,
these were UNMODERATED, PUBLIC servers, and anyone can post here.
This is true, but no one wants somebody posting in a community newsgroup that tends
to bring trouble. I've left you alone in your new hobby newsgroup till you brought
your troubles back to three Pittsburgh newsgroups.
Of course you did - out of spite - wow, I like how you admit your wrong
doings, yet make it sound like it was right when YOU do it. SOUND
Post by Gary J. English
REALITY: A Troll followed you to a construction newsgroup.
And where did he follow me FROM sir?
How am I to know where the troll followed you from, Edward?
You don;t HAVE to - *I* *DO*!!!
Hmm, NOT the paintball site, unless my
outlook has secretly filtered a harang of messages THERE from every possible
posting ID ever.
Filtering has nothing to do with a troll following you. Filtering has everything to
do with blocking out those messages from your newsreader.
I don;t have to filter anything... I don;t feel I need to - so deal with it
and shut up.
A simple search on your posting ID is likely how you were followed.
::AGAIN:: - how is that your business?
Please, ignore the trolls, try filtering and stop inviting trouble to the Pittsburgh
newsgroups and I won't respond by posting to your latest endeavor in
This should have ended a long time ago - you make one long post, I reply and
ask you to leave me alone, then you break it all downb and make it worse -
When you get proficient at paintball, do me a favor and set up a fundraiser for a
charity involving Mayor Murphy as the target. I'll contribute to the cause.
Why? I don;t get involved in politics - and the corruptness of every one of
them is why... let someone ELSE vote for the losers.
End it here.
Fine. I end it.

(someone please remember that I said that line above, cuz if he comes back
I'm gonna give him every barrel I got)
Jeff Goslin
2004-01-24 11:27:16 UTC
Gary, I know I can speak for the entirety of the rec.sport.paintball
community when I say the following:

1. Nobody here gives a shit.
2. He hasn't been trolling here in a while.
3. You're the only one who is currently posting this drivel, making you our
resident troll.

Please, if you want to post, by all means, fire away, continue your
senseless bickering with the one known as "TheMajor", but please, keep it to
your pittsburgh newsgroups, because honestly, we don't give a shit about
your little squabble.

Jeff Goslin - MCSD - www.goslin.info
It's not a god complex when you're always right
Post by Gary J. English
Post by TheMajor
Gary, I'll continue to repost in pgh newsgroups till you shut the fuck up in
the paintball forum - this nonsense doesn;t belong in there.
Learn some netiquette and clean your sorry act up. YOUR NONSENSE doesn't
belong in the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
REALITY: A Troll followed you to a construction newsgroup.
A. Ignore troll.
B. Use filter to block out troll
C. If you don't accept A or B, confine your fights to that newsgroup
1) inviting trolls into the Pittsburgh newsgroups to harrass me
2) taking your fight with Jon C. of rec.sport.paintball after posting a
MP3 FILE and bringing your problems back to the Pittsburgh newsgroups
to get information on him.
Post by TheMajor
I reposted the post from the construction place BECAUSE the troll FROM THIS
Really? How did you determine that?
Since you wish to fraternize in alt.revenge where TROLLS are known to congregate,
what do you expect? WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, EDWARD?
Post by TheMajor
went there and fuckin slammed me for no reason -
I am sure this person slammed you for a multitude of reasons. The obvious is that
he/she doesn't like you OR this person gets a kick everytime you go off the deep end
on their posts.
YOUR only purpose for responding to a troll and crossposting it to the Pittsburgh
newsgroups is to your intent to keep the flame wars going and seek attention.
Grow up!
Gary J. English
2004-01-24 17:54:42 UTC
Post by Jeff Goslin
Gary, I know I can speak for the entirety of the rec.sport.paintball
1. Nobody here gives a shit.
2. He hasn't been trolling here in a while.
3. You're the only one who is currently posting this drivel, making you our
resident troll.
Please, if you want to post, by all means, fire away, continue your
senseless bickering with the one known as "TheMajor", but please, keep it to
your pittsburgh newsgroups, because honestly, we don't give a shit about
your little squabble.
Well stated Jeff. Mr. English seems to be under the impression that
he holds some type of authority on Usenet. Mr. English fails to
comprehend the concept of how Usenet and free speech go hand in hand.

All though I have taken my own humerus pokes at TheMajor, I see
TheMajor as the one being somewhat beleaguered by Mr. English.
TheMajor does of course possess certain rights as to what avenue of
recourse he could take. But I suspect TheMajor finds the debate of
constantly having to defend himself somewhat exhilarating in his own

I will of course be accused of being a troll for stating the above and
no doubt that accusation will include a few statements of a negative
personal nature. Since it appears that Mr. English measures a
person's value based on education and income, I wonder if Mr. English
would like to compare educational degrees and W2s?

Just my two yen.................
2004-01-24 18:54:47 UTC
Post by Zack
Since it appears that Mr. English measures a
person's value based on education and income, I wonder if Mr. English
would like to compare educational degrees and W2s?
I'll offer mine... High School diploma, SOME tech school, about to start my
graphic arts position for an online advertisement company. (best I can get
without a degree)
Gary J. English
2004-01-24 20:37:59 UTC
Post by Zack
Post by Jeff Goslin
Gary, I know I can speak for the entirety of the rec.sport.paintball
1. Nobody here gives a shit.
2. He hasn't been trolling here in a while.
3. You're the only one who is currently posting this drivel, making you our
resident troll.
Please, if you want to post, by all means, fire away, continue your
senseless bickering with the one known as "TheMajor", but please, keep it to
your pittsburgh newsgroups, because honestly, we don't give a shit about
your little squabble.
Well stated Jeff. Mr. English seems to be under the impression that
he holds some type of authority on Usenet. Mr. English fails to
comprehend the concept of how Usenet and free speech go hand in hand.
Zack, neither have I implied or believe of having authority on usenet. As you well
know, there is very little reigns on usenet. Only moderated groups would fall into
that category.

I, like everyone else use this medium to express ideas and share information.

However, I do believe in common courtesy/netiquette. Trolling/flooding the
newsgroup(s) and forging posts is disruptive to the community and is
Post by Zack
All though I have taken my own humerus pokes at TheMajor, I see
TheMajor as the one being somewhat beleaguered by Mr. English.
Many have taken their pokes, and I believe Edward brings it upon himself.

As beleaguered as Edward seems of me, he is equally if not greater to trolling posts
by his kneejerk reactions to them. More recently is the case regarding the
alt.construction post that brought yet another flame war.
Post by Zack
TheMajor does of course possess certain rights as to what avenue of
recourse he could take. But I suspect TheMajor finds the debate of
constantly having to defend himself somewhat exhilarating in his own
I agree with your point of Edward having to defend himself. As to certain rights, I
would like to hear your opinion on that. Keep in mind, he has threatened me twice,
and has done similar actions towards his mother and father.
Post by Zack
I will of course be accused of being a troll for stating the above and
no doubt that accusation will include a few statements of a negative
personal nature.
Since you brought it up, let me expound about trolling.

In the thread titled: Revenge of the remailer? (Attention Gary), a poster known as
"Zachariah Torllski" entered the thread using a teranews account.

Coincidentally, you share similar first names.

"Zachariah Torllski" uses the X-No-Archive: yes command
Coindentally, Zach uses the X-No-Archive: yes command

"Zachariah Torllski" uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer
Coincidentally, Zach uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer

"Zachariah Torllski" responds to posts beginning with "....flushed and wrote".
Coincidentally, your response uses the exact same "respond to" tag.

"Zachariah Torllski" used a fictitious email "***@0s3mc5zg.ork" which ends in "ork"
You posting as Zack use a fictitious email <***@u72x0jf.ork> also ending in "ork"

More coincidences, these headers are in both the "Zack" post and "Zachariah Torllski"

Torllski: There's only one.
Flush: Before replying
Whiners: Used tissue available
On_Topic: Includes hooterz, pussy, fast cars, and fishing.
Brits: Special assistance available
Morons: See Brits above
Idiots: See morons above
Current_Muppet: ???

There are two many coincidences, you are one in the same. Now I can see why you
might be accused of "trolling".
Post by Zack
Zach, condescending remarks in post & headers noted.
Post by Jeff Goslin
Is that a threat? I love netkkkops. I eat two a day.
I think we'll play a little game.
bwaha :-)
What little game would be played, Zach?

Coincidentally, right after YOUR post, my posting ID started being forged right using
a teranews account. The same type of news account that YOU used when posting as
"Zachariah Torllski".

No one else has posted with a teranews account in the Pittsburgh news except you.
Another coincidence there Zach.

I believe you used the teranews account to harrass me, based on all of those

Even so, this is usenet. No one will become rich or famous in this medium, but I
wish you would exercise some courtesy while espousing to speech rights.

I've been posting in the Pittsburgh newsgroup community since 1995. I've only had
problems with Wick Wild, Ed Major and trolls.
Post by Zack
Since it appears that Mr. English measures a
person's value based on education and income, I wonder if Mr. English
would like to compare educational degrees and W2s?
Finally, don't make baseless assumptions that I measure one's value based on
education or income. I haven't implied as such. Besides, one can be lacking in
both aspects and still be an asset to community via volunteer work or a homemaker
raising a family.

If I was to base it on income, I would look like the rich pauper, as much of my work
is not financially compensated for. In the past, I exposed favorable property
assessments to politicians, fought against the RRI tax and several other tax issues,
filed for preservation of a valuable asset.

Currently, I am involved in a lawsuit attempting to revoke the local sales taxes in
Pgh & Philly, which I have proven is being violated by the politicians that created
the tax. I am also pressing for prosecution of the Allegheny County Council for a
gross violation election law in the recent General Election. Neither of these two
endeavors will yield a dime of financial compensation.

You can puff your chest out and raise the challenge about comparing educational
degrees and W2s. It's a baseless challenge that you would never agree to.
Besides, what would it prove?

I just wish you would stop your trolling games and add something to the usenet
Post by Zack
Just my two yen.................
You can keep your yen, I only deal with U.S. Currency.

Gary J. English
2004-01-24 21:21:57 UTC
This is apparently not "ended" as Mr. English stated in a recent post "End
it now."

So here we go AGAIN!
Post by Gary J. English
Zack, neither have I implied or believe of having authority on usenet. As you well
know, there is very little reigns on usenet. Only moderated groups would fall into
that category.
THIS isn;t one of them
Post by Gary J. English
I, like everyone else use this medium to express ideas and share information.
However, I do believe in common courtesy/netiquette. Trolling/flooding the
newsgroup(s) and forging posts is disruptive to the community and is
You might add following someone into a group to purposely ridicul them...
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
All though I have taken my own humerus pokes at TheMajor, I see
TheMajor as the one being somewhat beleaguered by Mr. English.
Many have taken their pokes, and I believe Edward brings it upon himself.
And you are bringing this onto YOURself.
Post by Gary J. English
As beleaguered as Edward seems of me, he is equally if not greater to trolling posts
by his kneejerk reactions to them. More recently is the case regarding the
alt.construction post that brought yet another flame war.
I merely did what you did once... posted a message where it belongs
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
TheMajor does of course possess certain rights as to what avenue of
recourse he could take. But I suspect TheMajor finds the debate of
constantly having to defend himself somewhat exhilarating in his own
I agree with your point of Edward having to defend himself. As to certain rights, I
would like to hear your opinion on that. Keep in mind, he has threatened me twice,
and has done similar actions towards his mother and father.
1, have me arrested for threatening you
2, my mother and father are none of your mother fucking business!
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
I will of course be accused of being a troll for stating the above and
no doubt that accusation will include a few statements of a negative
personal nature.
Since you brought it up, let me expound about trolling.
In the thread titled: Revenge of the remailer? (Attention Gary), a poster known as
"Zachariah Torllski" entered the thread using a teranews account.
Coincidentally, you share similar first names.
"Zachariah Torllski" uses the X-No-Archive: yes command
Coindentally, Zach uses the X-No-Archive: yes command
"Zachariah Torllski" uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer
Coincidentally, Zach uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer
"Zachariah Torllski" responds to posts beginning with "....flushed and wrote".
Coincidentally, your response uses the exact same "respond to" tag.
More coincidences, these headers are in both the "Zack" post and "Zachariah Torllski"
Gee - found someone ELSE to accuse of wrongdoing? Got tired of picking on
the Mayor?
Post by Gary J. English
Torllski: There's only one.
Flush: Before replying
Whiners: Used tissue available
On_Topic: Includes hooterz, pussy, fast cars, and fishing.
Brits: Special assistance available
Morons: See Brits above
Idiots: See morons above
Current_Muppet: ???
Anyone else hear "blah blah blah"?
Post by Gary J. English
There are two many coincidences, you are one in the same. Now I can see why you
might be accused of "trolling".
This from the Troll Expert - tell me Gary - how's that teranews account
working out for you?

<some of the crap snipped>
Post by Gary J. English
Even so, this is usenet. No one will become rich or famous in this medium, but I
wish you would exercise some courtesy while espousing to speech rights.
Do you feel big using big words Gary?
Post by Gary J. English
I've been posting in the Pittsburgh newsgroup community since 1995. I've only had
problems with Wick Wild, Ed Major and trolls.
Hmm,. a list of people you apparently see as a threat, and also see as
inferior to you....
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
Since it appears that Mr. English measures a
person's value based on education and income, I wonder if Mr. English
would like to compare educational degrees and W2s?
Finally, don't make baseless assumptions that I measure one's value based on
education or income. I haven't implied as such. Besides, one can be lacking in
both aspects and still be an asset to community via volunteer work or a homemaker
raising a family.
So according to you, someone with little education and a small income only
DESERVES to volunteer and stay at home? I like that one... where are the
human rights groups when you need 'em.
Post by Gary J. English
If I was to base it on income, I would look like the rich pauper, as much of my work
is not financially compensated for. In the past, I exposed favorable property
assessments to politicians, fought against the RRI tax and several other tax issues,
filed for preservation of a valuable asset.
If you were to base it on income, you'd look even more like a fool.
Post by Gary J. English
Currently, I am involved in a lawsuit attempting to revoke the local sales taxes in
Pgh & Philly, which I have proven is being violated by the politicians that created
the tax. I am also pressing for prosecution of the Allegheny County Council for a
gross violation election law in the recent General Election. Neither of these two
endeavors will yield a dime of financial compensation.
Oh now he starts his whining again - shit man, give it up.
Post by Gary J. English
You can puff your chest out and raise the challenge about comparing educational
degrees and W2s. It's a baseless challenge that you would never agree to.
Besides, what would it prove?
Nothing outside that you think your shit don;t stink. Gary - NOONE is
allowed to have an opinion around you? Not even ABOUT you?
Post by Gary J. English
I just wish you would stop your trolling games and add something to the usenet
He did - and it was in my defense (to an extent) and I thank him for it.

BTW - using the X-No-Archive: Yes command does not make you a troll - it is
used by individuals who are exercising their right not to have their
original posts archived.

This reply is the result of Gary's ongoing assault on me and my character -
I will continue to reply as long as he continues to portray me as inferior.

Deal with it Gary - I offered to have this stop, but you insist on
continuing it.
Gary J. English
2004-01-24 22:41:15 UTC
Post by TheMajor
This is apparently not "ended" as Mr. English stated in a recent post "End
it now."
It is you, that wishes to continue it. For the most part, this post was centered on
Zack, his duel posting ID and him using the teranews account to forge my posting ID.

I didn't bring it up, but agreed with Zack's assessment of you. I questioned Zack's
opinion as to certain rights of recourse you may have available and tempered it with
the fact you have been threatening to me twice as well as your parents. Nothing
Post by TheMajor
So here we go AGAIN!
Not "we" rather you, Edward.

You believed that it was I that was using a teranews account, when in fact I was not.
You refused to look at the headers to recognize that the posts were forged. You
became hostile because you believed those posts were coming from me.

So I finally put the pieces together, identify Zack as the suspect in the forged
posts and you still wish to bring trouble to the newsgroups.

You don't want to drop it.

Post by TheMajor
Do you feel big using big words Gary?
It is a better choice than your expletives.

So, are you going to try and make issue to this post, or simply let it go?

Gary J. English
2004-01-25 00:19:15 UTC
Post by Gary J. English
It is you, that wishes to continue it. For the most part, this post was centered on
Zack, his duel posting ID and him using the teranews account to forge my posting ID.
Yep - guilty till proven innocent, I noticed that about you
Post by Gary J. English
I didn't bring it up, but agreed with Zack's assessment of you. I questioned Zack's
opinion as to certain rights of recourse you may have available and tempered it with
the fact you have been threatening to me twice as well as your parents.
Post by Gary J. English
WHo the fuck cares about Zack's "assessment"
Post by Gary J. English
Post by TheMajor
So here we go AGAIN!
Not "we" rather you, Edward.
You keep responding numb-nut
Post by Gary J. English
You believed that it was I that was using a teranews account, when in fact I was not.
You refused to look at the headers to recognize that the posts were forged. You
became hostile because you believed those posts were coming from me.
Who cares.
Post by Gary J. English
So I finally put the pieces together, identify Zack as the suspect in the forged
posts and you still wish to bring trouble to the newsgroups.
I'll repeat myself Gary - WHEN YOU SHUT UP I WILL SHUT UP!
Post by Gary J. English
You don't want to drop it.
UH huh, Yeah, that's why I've asked you to drop it several times... you have
a serious impairment for the English language - it may be your last name,
but apparently not something you are fluent in.
Post by Gary J. English
So, are you going to try and make issue to this post, or simply let it go?
When you stop, I'll stop. I've said that too many times to count, and you
continue to ignore it - you expect ME to cease fire - well, sorry.... I
refuse to. And that refulsal is based on your ongoing request for me to
disappear - I won;t give you the satisfaction of having the last word just
so you can look big and bad in your fucked up newsgroup postings.
Patrick J. Volk
2004-01-25 06:26:40 UTC
On Sun, 25 Jan 2004 00:19:15 GMT, "TheMajor" <***@nodomain.com>

I'm going to say this...

Ed, by the mere act of you posting on usenet, you are a fair topic
of discussion. The same way I am, or anybody is.
One of the aspects of crossposting is, especially to groups like
alt.revenge, more people see the posts. Better of a chance to get
antagonizers and antagonizees on the same page. When that happens,
things go around, and around, and around.
You know you have pissed people off. You have, in my terms 'stirred
the pot'. Just because you quit stirring doesn't mean things are going
to stop moving. Continuing to stir the pot certainly won't settle
things down.
2004-01-26 05:46:36 UTC
Gary is doing his share of stirring Patrick... I'm wanting to drop this
whole thing. He won;t.

So whatever - I'm dropping it merely because it's getting stupid, bordering
on psychotic. Again, REAL LIFE situatoions have arose to where I don;t need
this stress, if Gary wants to argue, he;ll be arguing with himself, or
someone else. NOT me.
Post by Patrick J. Volk
I'm going to say this...
Ed, by the mere act of you posting on usenet, you are a fair topic
of discussion. The same way I am, or anybody is.
One of the aspects of crossposting is, especially to groups like
alt.revenge, more people see the posts. Better of a chance to get
antagonizers and antagonizees on the same page. When that happens,
things go around, and around, and around.
You know you have pissed people off. You have, in my terms 'stirred
the pot'. Just because you quit stirring doesn't mean things are going
to stop moving. Continuing to stir the pot certainly won't settle
things down.
2004-01-26 14:36:26 UTC
Post by TheMajor
Gary is doing his share of stirring Patrick... I'm wanting to drop this
whole thing. He won;t.

If you want to drop it, you would ignore the trolls and anonymous elk
head assholes.... but you're too easy to tweak. It would also help if
you stop cross posting.

Do yourself a favor, stop responding and things will quiet down.

2004-01-26 18:43:54 UTC
Post by Chuck
Post by TheMajor
Gary is doing his share of stirring Patrick... I'm wanting to drop this
whole thing. He won;t.
If you want to drop it, you would ignore the trolls and anonymous elk
head assholes.... but you're too easy to tweak. It would also help if
you stop cross posting.
Do yourself a favor, stop responding and things will quiet down.
2004-01-25 00:22:16 UTC
Why don't YOU filter ME for once...
Post by Gary J. English
Post by TheMajor
This is apparently not "ended" as Mr. English stated in a recent post "End
it now."
It is you, that wishes to continue it. For the most part, this post was centered on
Zack, his duel posting ID and him using the teranews account to forge my posting ID.
I didn't bring it up, but agreed with Zack's assessment of you. I questioned Zack's
opinion as to certain rights of recourse you may have available and tempered it with
the fact you have been threatening to me twice as well as your parents.
Post by Gary J. English
Post by TheMajor
So here we go AGAIN!
Not "we" rather you, Edward.
You believed that it was I that was using a teranews account, when in fact I was not.
You refused to look at the headers to recognize that the posts were forged. You
became hostile because you believed those posts were coming from me.
So I finally put the pieces together, identify Zack as the suspect in the forged
posts and you still wish to bring trouble to the newsgroups.
You don't want to drop it.
Post by TheMajor
Do you feel big using big words Gary?
It is a better choice than your expletives.
So, are you going to try and make issue to this post, or simply let it go?
Gary J. English
2004-01-25 17:25:41 UTC
Post by TheMajor
This is apparently not "ended" as Mr. English stated in a recent post "End
it now."
So here we go AGAIN!
Post by Gary J. English
Zack, neither have I implied or believe of having authority on usenet. As
you well
Post by Gary J. English
know, there is very little reigns on usenet. Only moderated groups would
fall into
Post by Gary J. English
that category.
THIS isn;t one of them
Post by Gary J. English
I, like everyone else use this medium to express ideas and share
Post by Gary J. English
However, I do believe in common courtesy/netiquette. Trolling/flooding
Post by Gary J. English
newsgroup(s) and forging posts is disruptive to the community and is
You might add following someone into a group to purposely ridicul them...
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
All though I have taken my own humerus pokes at TheMajor, I see
TheMajor as the one being somewhat beleaguered by Mr. English.
Many have taken their pokes, and I believe Edward brings it upon himself.
And you are bringing this onto YOURself.
Post by Gary J. English
As beleaguered as Edward seems of me, he is equally if not greater to
trolling posts
Post by Gary J. English
by his kneejerk reactions to them. More recently is the case regarding
Post by Gary J. English
alt.construction post that brought yet another flame war.
I merely did what you did once... posted a message where it belongs
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
TheMajor does of course possess certain rights as to what avenue of
recourse he could take. But I suspect TheMajor finds the debate of
constantly having to defend himself somewhat exhilarating in his own
I agree with your point of Edward having to defend himself. As to certain
rights, I
Post by Gary J. English
would like to hear your opinion on that. Keep in mind, he has threatened
me twice,
Post by Gary J. English
and has done similar actions towards his mother and father.
1, have me arrested for threatening you
2, my mother and father are none of your mother fucking business!
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
I will of course be accused of being a troll for stating the above and
no doubt that accusation will include a few statements of a negative
personal nature.
Since you brought it up, let me expound about trolling.
In the thread titled: Revenge of the remailer? (Attention Gary), a poster
known as
Post by Gary J. English
"Zachariah Torllski" entered the thread using a teranews account.
Coincidentally, you share similar first names.
"Zachariah Torllski" uses the X-No-Archive: yes command
Coindentally, Zach uses the X-No-Archive: yes command
"Zachariah Torllski" uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer
Coincidentally, Zach uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer
"Zachariah Torllski" responds to posts beginning with "....flushed and
Post by Gary J. English
Coincidentally, your response uses the exact same "respond to" tag.
in "ork"
Post by Gary J. English
More coincidences, these headers are in both the "Zack" post and
"Zachariah Torllski"
Post by Gary J. English
Gee - found someone ELSE to accuse of wrongdoing? Got tired of picking on
the Mayor?
Post by Gary J. English
Torllski: There's only one.
Flush: Before replying
Whiners: Used tissue available
On_Topic: Includes hooterz, pussy, fast cars, and fishing.
Brits: Special assistance available
Morons: See Brits above
Idiots: See morons above
Current_Muppet: ???
Anyone else hear "blah blah blah"?
Post by Gary J. English
There are two many coincidences, you are one in the same. Now I can see
why you
Post by Gary J. English
might be accused of "trolling".
This from the Troll Expert - tell me Gary - how's that teranews account
working out for you?
<some of the crap snipped>
Post by Gary J. English
Even so, this is usenet. No one will become rich or famous in this
medium, but I
Post by Gary J. English
wish you would exercise some courtesy while espousing to speech rights.
Do you feel big using big words Gary?
Post by Gary J. English
I've been posting in the Pittsburgh newsgroup community since 1995. I've
only had
Post by Gary J. English
problems with Wick Wild, Ed Major and trolls.
Hmm,. a list of people you apparently see as a threat, and also see as
inferior to you....
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
Since it appears that Mr. English measures a
person's value based on education and income, I wonder if Mr. English
would like to compare educational degrees and W2s?
Finally, don't make baseless assumptions that I measure one's value based
Post by Gary J. English
education or income. I haven't implied as such. Besides, one can be
lacking in
Post by Gary J. English
both aspects and still be an asset to community via volunteer work or a
Post by Gary J. English
raising a family.
So according to you, someone with little education and a small income only
DESERVES to volunteer and stay at home? I like that one... where are the
human rights groups when you need 'em.
Post by Gary J. English
If I was to base it on income, I would look like the rich pauper, as much
of my work
Post by Gary J. English
is not financially compensated for. In the past, I exposed favorable
Post by Gary J. English
assessments to politicians, fought against the RRI tax and several other
tax issues,
Post by Gary J. English
filed for preservation of a valuable asset.
If you were to base it on income, you'd look even more like a fool.
Post by Gary J. English
Currently, I am involved in a lawsuit attempting to revoke the local sales
taxes in
Post by Gary J. English
Pgh & Philly, which I have proven is being violated by the politicians
that created
Post by Gary J. English
the tax. I am also pressing for prosecution of the Allegheny County
Council for a
Post by Gary J. English
gross violation election law in the recent General Election. Neither of
these two
Post by Gary J. English
endeavors will yield a dime of financial compensation.
Oh now he starts his whining again - shit man, give it up.
Post by Gary J. English
You can puff your chest out and raise the challenge about comparing
Post by Gary J. English
degrees and W2s. It's a baseless challenge that you would never agree to.
Besides, what would it prove?
Nothing outside that you think your shit don;t stink. Gary - NOONE is
allowed to have an opinion around you? Not even ABOUT you?
Post by Gary J. English
I just wish you would stop your trolling games and add something to the
Post by Gary J. English
He did - and it was in my defense (to an extent) and I thank him for it.
BTW - using the X-No-Archive: Yes command does not make you a troll - it is
used by individuals who are exercising their right not to have their
original posts archived.
This reply is the result of Gary's ongoing assault on me and my character -
I will continue to reply as long as he continues to portray me as inferior.
Deal with it Gary - I offered to have this stop, but you insist on
continuing it.
You make several good and valid points Edward. I now have a much
better idea of the harassment and stalking you've had to endure. As I
said previously, I've taken pokes at you. But it was never meant to
be damaging. If I crossed the line, I do apologize. I'm sure that an
apology is something you'll never receive from English. He'll
continue to make his accusations based on illogic and assumptions, and
then beat his chest in a pathetic attempt to attract attention.
Prejudice is a terrible thing and any person inflicted with it should
seek help.

I'll be around and offer my two yen occasionally. Hope married life
is treating you good.
Gary J. English
2004-01-25 19:09:52 UTC
Post by Zack
Post by TheMajor
This is apparently not "ended" as Mr. English stated in a recent post "End
it now."
So here we go AGAIN!
Post by Gary J. English
Zack, neither have I implied or believe of having authority on usenet. As
you well
Post by Gary J. English
know, there is very little reigns on usenet. Only moderated groups would
fall into
Post by Gary J. English
that category.
THIS isn;t one of them
Post by Gary J. English
I, like everyone else use this medium to express ideas and share
Post by Gary J. English
However, I do believe in common courtesy/netiquette. Trolling/flooding
Post by Gary J. English
newsgroup(s) and forging posts is disruptive to the community and is
You might add following someone into a group to purposely ridicul them...
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
All though I have taken my own humerus pokes at TheMajor, I see
TheMajor as the one being somewhat beleaguered by Mr. English.
Many have taken their pokes, and I believe Edward brings it upon himself.
And you are bringing this onto YOURself.
Post by Gary J. English
As beleaguered as Edward seems of me, he is equally if not greater to
trolling posts
Post by Gary J. English
by his kneejerk reactions to them. More recently is the case regarding
Post by Gary J. English
alt.construction post that brought yet another flame war.
I merely did what you did once... posted a message where it belongs
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
TheMajor does of course possess certain rights as to what avenue of
recourse he could take. But I suspect TheMajor finds the debate of
constantly having to defend himself somewhat exhilarating in his own
I agree with your point of Edward having to defend himself. As to certain
rights, I
Post by Gary J. English
would like to hear your opinion on that. Keep in mind, he has threatened
me twice,
Post by Gary J. English
and has done similar actions towards his mother and father.
1, have me arrested for threatening you
2, my mother and father are none of your mother fucking business!
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
I will of course be accused of being a troll for stating the above and
no doubt that accusation will include a few statements of a negative
personal nature.
Since you brought it up, let me expound about trolling.
In the thread titled: Revenge of the remailer? (Attention Gary), a poster
known as
Post by Gary J. English
"Zachariah Torllski" entered the thread using a teranews account.
Coincidentally, you share similar first names.
"Zachariah Torllski" uses the X-No-Archive: yes command
Coindentally, Zach uses the X-No-Archive: yes command
"Zachariah Torllski" uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer
Coincidentally, Zach uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer
"Zachariah Torllski" responds to posts beginning with "....flushed and
Post by Gary J. English
Coincidentally, your response uses the exact same "respond to" tag.
in "ork"
Post by Gary J. English
More coincidences, these headers are in both the "Zack" post and
"Zachariah Torllski"
Post by Gary J. English
Gee - found someone ELSE to accuse of wrongdoing? Got tired of picking on
the Mayor?
Post by Gary J. English
Torllski: There's only one.
Flush: Before replying
Whiners: Used tissue available
On_Topic: Includes hooterz, pussy, fast cars, and fishing.
Brits: Special assistance available
Morons: See Brits above
Idiots: See morons above
Current_Muppet: ???
Anyone else hear "blah blah blah"?
Post by Gary J. English
There are two many coincidences, you are one in the same. Now I can see
why you
Post by Gary J. English
might be accused of "trolling".
This from the Troll Expert - tell me Gary - how's that teranews account
working out for you?
<some of the crap snipped>
Post by Gary J. English
Even so, this is usenet. No one will become rich or famous in this
medium, but I
Post by Gary J. English
wish you would exercise some courtesy while espousing to speech rights.
Do you feel big using big words Gary?
Post by Gary J. English
I've been posting in the Pittsburgh newsgroup community since 1995. I've
only had
Post by Gary J. English
problems with Wick Wild, Ed Major and trolls.
Hmm,. a list of people you apparently see as a threat, and also see as
inferior to you....
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
Since it appears that Mr. English measures a
person's value based on education and income, I wonder if Mr. English
would like to compare educational degrees and W2s?
Finally, don't make baseless assumptions that I measure one's value based
Post by Gary J. English
education or income. I haven't implied as such. Besides, one can be
lacking in
Post by Gary J. English
both aspects and still be an asset to community via volunteer work or a
Post by Gary J. English
raising a family.
So according to you, someone with little education and a small income only
DESERVES to volunteer and stay at home? I like that one... where are the
human rights groups when you need 'em.
Post by Gary J. English
If I was to base it on income, I would look like the rich pauper, as much
of my work
Post by Gary J. English
is not financially compensated for. In the past, I exposed favorable
Post by Gary J. English
assessments to politicians, fought against the RRI tax and several other
tax issues,
Post by Gary J. English
filed for preservation of a valuable asset.
If you were to base it on income, you'd look even more like a fool.
Post by Gary J. English
Currently, I am involved in a lawsuit attempting to revoke the local sales
taxes in
Post by Gary J. English
Pgh & Philly, which I have proven is being violated by the politicians
that created
Post by Gary J. English
the tax. I am also pressing for prosecution of the Allegheny County
Council for a
Post by Gary J. English
gross violation election law in the recent General Election. Neither of
these two
Post by Gary J. English
endeavors will yield a dime of financial compensation.
Oh now he starts his whining again - shit man, give it up.
Post by Gary J. English
You can puff your chest out and raise the challenge about comparing
Post by Gary J. English
degrees and W2s. It's a baseless challenge that you would never agree to.
Besides, what would it prove?
Nothing outside that you think your shit don;t stink. Gary - NOONE is
allowed to have an opinion around you? Not even ABOUT you?
Post by Gary J. English
I just wish you would stop your trolling games and add something to the
Post by Gary J. English
He did - and it was in my defense (to an extent) and I thank him for it.
BTW - using the X-No-Archive: Yes command does not make you a troll - it is
used by individuals who are exercising their right not to have their
original posts archived.
This reply is the result of Gary's ongoing assault on me and my character -
I will continue to reply as long as he continues to portray me as inferior.
Deal with it Gary - I offered to have this stop, but you insist on
continuing it.
You make several good and valid points Edward. I now have a much
better idea of the harassment and stalking you've had to endure. As I
said previously, I've taken pokes at you. But it was never meant to
be damaging. If I crossed the line, I do apologize.
I'm sure that an
apology is something you'll never receive from English.
Zack, you may disagree, but I don't believe an apology is appropriate. I have not
threatened or cussed during this flame war, yet I've offered the proverbial olive
branch to Edward, in: Message-ID: <***@4ax.com>

The mere fact that I concurred with your assessment, it was taken with hostility.
Yet your orignal assessment was never an issue.
Post by Zack
continue to make his accusations based on illogic and assumptions,
Would you like to be more specific Zack or do you talk in unsubstantiated
Post by Zack
then beat his chest in a pathetic attempt to attract attention.
Pot, kettle, black........

Zack, you stirred the pot by forging my posting ID with your teranews account. Doing
so created a lot of dissention in the Pittsburgh newsgroup community and attracted a
lot of attention caused by you.

You might offer such an apology to me and the newsgroup community.....I'm sure that
anapology is something we'll never receive from Zach, Zachariah Torllski or whatever
you wish to post as.
Post by Zack
Prejudice is a terrible thing and any person inflicted with it should
seek help.
The thread has nothing to do about prejudice, but you are certainly entitled to your
opinion. The thread has everything to do about your use of a teranews account to

I find your consuling rather disingenuous. Even still, it is my hope that
hostilities, trolling and forgeries will end.

Gary J. English
2004-01-26 05:51:24 UTC
Physical evidence Mr. English - in the United States people are innocent
till proven guilty - when you match him up with the person who forged your
ID's, then your accusations may have substance - can we please drpo this?
Let it go. It's done and over with Gary. Honestly, this is getting tiresome.
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
Post by TheMajor
This is apparently not "ended" as Mr. English stated in a recent post "End
it now."
So here we go AGAIN!
Post by Gary J. English
Zack, neither have I implied or believe of having authority on usenet. As
you well
Post by Gary J. English
know, there is very little reigns on usenet. Only moderated groups would
fall into
Post by Gary J. English
that category.
THIS isn;t one of them
Post by Gary J. English
I, like everyone else use this medium to express ideas and share
Post by Gary J. English
However, I do believe in common courtesy/netiquette.
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
Post by TheMajor
Post by Gary J. English
newsgroup(s) and forging posts is disruptive to the community and is
You might add following someone into a group to purposely ridicul them...
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
All though I have taken my own humerus pokes at TheMajor, I see
TheMajor as the one being somewhat beleaguered by Mr. English.
Many have taken their pokes, and I believe Edward brings it upon himself.
And you are bringing this onto YOURself.
Post by Gary J. English
As beleaguered as Edward seems of me, he is equally if not greater to
trolling posts
Post by Gary J. English
by his kneejerk reactions to them. More recently is the case regarding
Post by Gary J. English
alt.construction post that brought yet another flame war.
I merely did what you did once... posted a message where it belongs
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
TheMajor does of course possess certain rights as to what avenue of
recourse he could take. But I suspect TheMajor finds the debate of
constantly having to defend himself somewhat exhilarating in his own
I agree with your point of Edward having to defend himself. As to certain
rights, I
Post by Gary J. English
would like to hear your opinion on that. Keep in mind, he has threatened
me twice,
Post by Gary J. English
and has done similar actions towards his mother and father.
1, have me arrested for threatening you
2, my mother and father are none of your mother fucking business!
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
I will of course be accused of being a troll for stating the above and
no doubt that accusation will include a few statements of a negative
personal nature.
Since you brought it up, let me expound about trolling.
In the thread titled: Revenge of the remailer? (Attention Gary), a poster
known as
Post by Gary J. English
"Zachariah Torllski" entered the thread using a teranews account.
Coincidentally, you share similar first names.
"Zachariah Torllski" uses the X-No-Archive: yes command
Coindentally, Zach uses the X-No-Archive: yes command
"Zachariah Torllski" uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer
Coincidentally, Zach uses Organization: Torllski Body Bags & Fertilizer
"Zachariah Torllski" responds to posts beginning with "....flushed and
Post by Gary J. English
Coincidentally, your response uses the exact same "respond to" tag.
in "ork"
Post by Gary J. English
More coincidences, these headers are in both the "Zack" post and
"Zachariah Torllski"
Post by Gary J. English
Gee - found someone ELSE to accuse of wrongdoing? Got tired of picking on
the Mayor?
Post by Gary J. English
Torllski: There's only one.
Flush: Before replying
Whiners: Used tissue available
On_Topic: Includes hooterz, pussy, fast cars, and fishing.
Brits: Special assistance available
Morons: See Brits above
Idiots: See morons above
Current_Muppet: ???
Anyone else hear "blah blah blah"?
Post by Gary J. English
There are two many coincidences, you are one in the same. Now I can see
why you
Post by Gary J. English
might be accused of "trolling".
This from the Troll Expert - tell me Gary - how's that teranews account
working out for you?
<some of the crap snipped>
Post by Gary J. English
Even so, this is usenet. No one will become rich or famous in this
medium, but I
Post by Gary J. English
wish you would exercise some courtesy while espousing to speech rights.
Do you feel big using big words Gary?
Post by Gary J. English
I've been posting in the Pittsburgh newsgroup community since 1995.
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
Post by TheMajor
only had
Post by Gary J. English
problems with Wick Wild, Ed Major and trolls.
Hmm,. a list of people you apparently see as a threat, and also see as
inferior to you....
Post by Gary J. English
Post by Zack
Since it appears that Mr. English measures a
person's value based on education and income, I wonder if Mr. English
would like to compare educational degrees and W2s?
Finally, don't make baseless assumptions that I measure one's value based
Post by Gary J. English
education or income. I haven't implied as such. Besides, one can be
lacking in
Post by Gary J. English
both aspects and still be an asset to community via volunteer work or a
Post by Gary J. English
raising a family.
So according to you, someone with little education and a small income only
DESERVES to volunteer and stay at home? I like that one... where are the
human rights groups when you need 'em.
Post by Gary J. English
If I was to base it on income, I would look like the rich pauper, as much
of my work
Post by Gary J. English
is not financially compensated for. In the past, I exposed favorable
Post by Gary J. English
assessments to politicians, fought against the RRI tax and several other
tax issues,
Post by Gary J. English
filed for preservation of a valuable asset.
If you were to base it on income, you'd look even more like a fool.
Post by Gary J. English
Currently, I am involved in a lawsuit attempting to revoke the local sales
taxes in
Post by Gary J. English
Pgh & Philly, which I have proven is being violated by the politicians
that created
Post by Gary J. English
the tax. I am also pressing for prosecution of the Allegheny County
Council for a
Post by Gary J. English
gross violation election law in the recent General Election. Neither of
these two
Post by Gary J. English
endeavors will yield a dime of financial compensation.
Oh now he starts his whining again - shit man, give it up.
Post by Gary J. English
You can puff your chest out and raise the challenge about comparing
Post by Gary J. English
degrees and W2s. It's a baseless challenge that you would never agree to.
Besides, what would it prove?
Nothing outside that you think your shit don;t stink. Gary - NOONE is
allowed to have an opinion around you? Not even ABOUT you?
Post by Gary J. English
I just wish you would stop your trolling games and add something to the
Post by Gary J. English
He did - and it was in my defense (to an extent) and I thank him for it.
BTW - using the X-No-Archive: Yes command does not make you a troll - it is
used by individuals who are exercising their right not to have their
original posts archived.
This reply is the result of Gary's ongoing assault on me and my character -
I will continue to reply as long as he continues to portray me as inferior.
Deal with it Gary - I offered to have this stop, but you insist on
continuing it.
You make several good and valid points Edward. I now have a much
better idea of the harassment and stalking you've had to endure. As I
said previously, I've taken pokes at you. But it was never meant to
be damaging. If I crossed the line, I do apologize.
I'm sure that an
apology is something you'll never receive from English.
Zack, you may disagree, but I don't believe an apology is appropriate. I have not
threatened or cussed during this flame war, yet I've offered the proverbial olive
The mere fact that I concurred with your assessment, it was taken with hostility.
Yet your orignal assessment was never an issue.
Post by Zack
continue to make his accusations based on illogic and assumptions,
Would you like to be more specific Zack or do you talk in unsubstantiated
Post by Zack
then beat his chest in a pathetic attempt to attract attention.
Pot, kettle, black........
Zack, you stirred the pot by forging my posting ID with your teranews account. Doing
so created a lot of dissention in the Pittsburgh newsgroup community and attracted a
lot of attention caused by you.
You might offer such an apology to me and the newsgroup community.....I'm sure that
anapology is something we'll never receive from Zach, Zachariah Torllski or whatever
you wish to post as.
Post by Zack
Prejudice is a terrible thing and any person inflicted with it should
seek help.
The thread has nothing to do about prejudice, but you are certainly entitled to your
opinion. The thread has everything to do about your use of a teranews account to
I find your consuling rather disingenuous. Even still, it is my hope that
hostilities, trolling and forgeries will end.
Gary J. English
2004-01-26 14:39:09 UTC
Post by TheMajor
Physical evidence Mr. English - in the United States people are innocent
till proven guilty - when you match him up with the person who forged your
ID's, then your accusations may have substance - can we please drpo this?
Let it go. It's done and over with Gary. Honestly, this is getting tiresome.

2 minutes before this post you said this.

:But as of tonight, I'm surrendering in this stupid debate with

Give up the silly debate, stop cross posting, go enjoy your life with
your new wife.

2004-01-26 18:44:15 UTC
*nods* Sorry
Post by Chuck
Post by TheMajor
Physical evidence Mr. English - in the United States people are innocent
till proven guilty - when you match him up with the person who forged your
ID's, then your accusations may have substance - can we please drpo this?
Let it go. It's done and over with Gary. Honestly, this is getting tiresome.
2 minutes before this post you said this.
:But as of tonight, I'm surrendering in this stupid debate with
Give up the silly debate, stop cross posting, go enjoy your life with
your new wife.
2004-01-26 05:49:36 UTC
Post by Zack
You make several good and valid points Edward. I now have a much
better idea of the harassment and stalking you've had to endure. As I
said previously, I've taken pokes at you. But it was never meant to
be damaging. If I crossed the line, I do apologize. I'm sure that an
apology is something you'll never receive from English. He'll
continue to make his accusations based on illogic and assumptions, and
then beat his chest in a pathetic attempt to attract attention.
Prejudice is a terrible thing and any person inflicted with it should
seek help.
I'll be around and offer my two yen occasionally. Hope married life
is treating you good.
Thanks Zack, but you know, I'm not all innocent, I admit it. Gary is not
entirely wrong about me in aspects of my mental status - I have troubles -
we all do. But as of tonight, I'm surrendering in this stupid debate with
him. He apparently takes things too seriously, and too far. I feed the fire,
yes. I do it out of defense, if he sees it another way *shrugs* I can;t stop
his thoughts.

ANyways I'm done with this whole thing, and I say thank you for being my
friend and coming to my aid on this - glad there are still eople out there
willing to give me a chance.
2004-01-24 19:01:45 UTC
*reposted from the paintball site*

What did I tell you I was gonna do every time you posted in the paintball
site against me?

Let's do this again shall we, in case Pittsburgh missed your sneaky post
Post by Jeff Goslin
Gary, I know I can speak for the entirety of the rec.sport.paintball
Jeff, I know I can speak for the entirety of the Pittsburgh newsgroup
community as
You speak for the TROLLS in the pittsburgh groups - you seem to actually
WANT a war in there by coming back HERE!
Post by Jeff Goslin
1. Nobody here gives a shit.
2. He hasn't been trolling here in a while.
3. You're the only one who is currently posting this drivel, making you our
resident troll.
I have no interest in your newsgroup. TheMajor has taken his troubles and
them back to our local newsgroups. He did it with the MP3 file incident
and now with
a construction post.
MP3 file incident was a question of how to look up information, and the
construction post was because THIS is where the fuckin remailer retard
attacks me frequently - LOOK IT UP!
Post by Jeff Goslin
Please, if you want to post, by all means, fire away, continue your
senseless bickering with the one known as "TheMajor", but please, keep it to
your pittsburgh newsgroups, because honestly, we don't give a shit about
your little squabble.
Rather than call it a little squabble, it has resulted in a flood of
unwanted trolls
to the Pittsburgh newsgroups. You might understand if you were active in
the pgh
groups, but you probably have as much interest in that group as I have of

God damned Pittsburgh fuckers - I'm so tired of even the NAME of this
pitiful city - you fuckers make me sick!
Nuf said,
Not by a lingshot now! NOT BY A LONG SHOT!
Gary J. English
GFary "The Jackass" Broken-English (you asked for it asshole)
Tarapia Tapioco
2004-01-24 22:47:19 UTC
Post by Jeff Goslin
Gary, I know I can speak for the entirety of the rec.sport.paintball
1. Nobody here gives a shit.

If someone gave a shit about being accurate and not making themselves look
foolish by throwing accusations in the wrong direction, for example, they'd
be aware that a Teranews user has been forging Gary's posts for a while
Jeff Goslin
2004-01-25 01:20:20 UTC
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
Post by Jeff Goslin
Gary, I know I can speak for the entirety of the rec.sport.paintball
1. Nobody here gives a shit.
If someone gave a shit about being accurate and not making themselves look
foolish by throwing accusations in the wrong direction, for example, they'd
be aware that a Teranews user has been forging Gary's posts for a while
Once again, this is me (and the rest of R.S.P.) not giving a shit.

Jeff Goslin - MCSD - www.goslin.info
It's not a god complex when you're always right
2004-01-25 03:30:37 UTC
Jeff, thanks for the good owords, I just want to make a suggestion (and I
here and now will follow it in the paintball forum here) if we ignore him,
he'll go away.
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
Post by Jeff Goslin
Gary, I know I can speak for the entirety of the rec.sport.paintball
1. Nobody here gives a shit.
If someone gave a shit about being accurate and not making themselves look
foolish by throwing accusations in the wrong direction, for example,
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
be aware that a Teranews user has been forging Gary's posts for a while
Once again, this is me (and the rest of R.S.P.) not giving a shit.
Jeff Goslin - MCSD - www.goslin.info
It's not a god complex when you're always right
2004-01-25 12:34:28 UTC
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
If someone gave a shit about being accurate and not making themselves look
foolish by throwing accusations in the wrong direction, for example,
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
be aware that a Teranews user has been forging Gary's posts for a while
Once again, this is me (and the rest of R.S.P.) not giving a shit.
Seems like at least one of you gave a shit enough to make accusations
without bothering to make sure you were accusing the right person, Jeffrey.

But hey, if you want to look like an imbicile and claim the rest of RSP is
right there with you, that is your right. :)
This message was posted via two or more anonymous remailing services.
2004-01-25 13:36:53 UTC
jeff is right, we don't give a shit.
2004-01-25 17:31:38 UTC
Post by Anonymous
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
If someone gave a shit about being accurate and not making themselves look
foolish by throwing accusations in the wrong direction, for example,
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
be aware that a Teranews user has been forging Gary's posts for a while
Once again, this is me (and the rest of R.S.P.) not giving a shit.
Seems like at least one of you gave a shit enough to make accusations
without bothering to make sure you were accusing the right person, Jeffrey.
But hey, if you want to look like an imbicile and claim the rest of RSP is
right there with you, that is your right. :)
This message was posted via two or more anonymous remailing services.
anonymous remailer = zero credibility
Gary J. English
2004-01-25 18:55:28 UTC
Post by Zack
Post by Anonymous
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
If someone gave a shit about being accurate and not making themselves look
foolish by throwing accusations in the wrong direction, for example,
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
be aware that a Teranews user has been forging Gary's posts for a while
Once again, this is me (and the rest of R.S.P.) not giving a shit.
Seems like at least one of you gave a shit enough to make accusations
without bothering to make sure you were accusing the right person, Jeffrey.
But hey, if you want to look like an imbicile and claim the rest of RSP is
right there with you, that is your right. :)
This message was posted via two or more anonymous remailing services.
anonymous remailer = zero credibility
Zack, anonymity and credibility do not necessarily have to go hand and hand.
However, anonymity does insulate one from accountability.

I use this medium to share information and choose to use my real name. One can
decide on how credible the information that I share is. With that, there is a degree
of accountabilty, which can also affect one's future credibility.

Aren't you anonymous?

Since you also use a teranews account and post as "Zachariah Torllski"
how credible can you be ?

Gary J. English
Tarapia Tapioco
2004-01-25 20:07:13 UTC
Post by Zack
anonymous remailer = zero credibility
...said the flaming idiot who tries to be anonymous, but can't quite seem
to avoid being outed by someone who really has no experience at it.


Zackie m'lad, or whatever sock puppet you're using this day, you're nothing
but a stump stupid, hypocritical wannabe still smarting from the spanking
he just got. You mistakenly believe taking a cheap shot or two at someone
who appears to be supporting the guy that just embarrased the *shit* out of
you might make you look like something that resembles a man. Sorry it's not
working out for ya'.

You really should just crawl your sore little troll behind under some
bridge somewhere for a while, and keep quite least the beatings become even
more severe.......
2004-01-26 02:51:25 UTC
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
Post by Zack
anonymous remailer = zero credibility
...said the flaming idiot who tries to be anonymous, but can't quite seem
to avoid being outed by someone who really has no experience at it.
Zackie m'lad, or whatever sock puppet you're using this day, you're nothing
but a stump stupid, hypocritical wannabe still smarting from the spanking
he just got. You mistakenly believe taking a cheap shot or two at someone
who appears to be supporting the guy that just embarrased the *shit* out of
you might make you look like something that resembles a man. Sorry it's not
working out for ya'.
You really should just crawl your sore little troll behind under some
bridge somewhere for a while, and keep quite least the beatings become even
more severe.......
So you're british then. Go figure. Take your remailer skirt off
Mary. Then repeat your comments.
2004-01-26 15:55:52 UTC
Post by Tarapia Tapioco
Post by Zack
anonymous remailer = zero credibility
...said the flaming idiot who tries to be anonymous, but can't quite seem
to avoid being outed by someone who really has no experience at it.
Zackie m'lad, or whatever sock puppet you're using this day, you're nothing
but a stump stupid, hypocritical wannabe still smarting from the spanking
he just got. You mistakenly believe taking a cheap shot or two at someone
who appears to be supporting the guy that just embarrased the *shit* out of
you might make you look like something that resembles a man. Sorry it's not
working out for ya'.
You really should just crawl your sore little troll behind under some
bridge somewhere for a while, and keep quite least the beatings become even
more severe.......
Your total worth amounts to less than 3 grams of bottled
syphilitic whore spit. Brighten the lives of your long-suffering
parents: drink a pig's urine and choke on your vomit, you
frontal lobe amputee.

I-zheet M'drurz
2004-01-24 06:00:04 UTC
Post by TheMajor
Gary, FUCK OFF! I'm tired of you bringing shit into the
paintball NG - the fuckin troll followed me FROM THIS NEWSGROUP
to the fuckin construction group - and now YOU are looking JUST
LIKE that troll by cross posting into the paintball group - STAY
As far as I'm concerned *YOU* could be the remailer - and thanks
to your post today, that's all the evidence I needed to prove to
myself that you ARE one of the fuckin trolls here - LEAVE IT BE
God damnit - why can;t you fuckin leave shit alone? STAY OUT OF
Not as long as he (whoever "he" is) can make you -do- -that-.

One more time, without the advisory that it might be somebody
Post by TheMajor
...BUT LEAVE IT GO! GOD DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not as long as he can make you -do- -that-.
Baisez-les s'ils ne peuvent pas prendre une plaisanterie
Tom Pendergast e-mail is for sissies, say it on line
2004-01-24 06:18:40 UTC
Didn;t you have me filtered?
Post by I-zheet M'drurz
Post by TheMajor
Gary, FUCK OFF! I'm tired of you bringing shit into the
paintball NG - the fuckin troll followed me FROM THIS NEWSGROUP
to the fuckin construction group - and now YOU are looking JUST
LIKE that troll by cross posting into the paintball group - STAY
As far as I'm concerned *YOU* could be the remailer - and thanks
to your post today, that's all the evidence I needed to prove to
myself that you ARE one of the fuckin trolls here - LEAVE IT BE
God damnit - why can;t you fuckin leave shit alone? STAY OUT OF
Not as long as he (whoever "he" is) can make you -do- -that-.
One more time, without the advisory that it might be somebody
Post by TheMajor
...BUT LEAVE IT GO! GOD DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not as long as he can make you -do- -that-.
Baisez-les s'ils ne peuvent pas prendre une plaisanterie
Tom Pendergast e-mail is for sissies, say it on line
I-zheet M'drurz
2004-01-24 17:06:24 UTC
Post by TheMajor
Didn;t you have me filtered?
No. You're the one I can't filter because you keep changing your
username. This is the spot where you change it again and tell me
to fuck off. That's if you intend on remaining an asshole for the
rest of your life, and that looks like a pretty safe bet.
Post by TheMajor
Post by I-zheet M'drurz
Post by TheMajor
Gary, FUCK OFF! I'm tired of you bringing shit into the
Post by TheMajor
Post by I-zheet M'drurz
Post by TheMajor
Not as long as he (whoever "he" is) can make you -do- -that-.
One more time, without the advisory that it might be
Post by TheMajor
...BUT LEAVE IT GO! GOD DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not as long as he can make you -do- -that-.
And this will be FOUR times that you've read my message, and you
likely still don't get it, do you?

Maybe this will help: If there were a Usenet Pet of the Year
contest held today, you would win hands down. Maybe you've
never heard the term before??? To be a "pet" on Usenet, you
must jump through hoops whenever your master tweeks your little
puppy dog nose.

Somebody out there *OWNS* your Usenet soul, Mr Major. As long
as they can keep writing something which provokes that type of
response from you, they are going to keep doing it and laughing
their asses off at you until they get tired of jacking you off.

Did it sink in THAT time, Mr Major? Or is this the part where
you shoot the messanger (again) and ignore the message?
Baisez-les s'ils ne peuvent pas prendre une plaisanterie
Tom Pendergast e-mail is for sissies, say it on line
2004-01-24 17:41:35 UTC
No I'll just tell you to fuck off with THIS ID.
Post by I-zheet M'drurz
Post by TheMajor
Didn;t you have me filtered?
No. You're the one I can't filter because you keep changing your
username. This is the spot where you change it again and tell me
to fuck off. That's if you intend on remaining an asshole for the
rest of your life, and that looks like a pretty safe bet.
Post by TheMajor
Post by I-zheet M'drurz
Post by TheMajor
Gary, FUCK OFF! I'm tired of you bringing shit into the
Post by TheMajor
Post by I-zheet M'drurz
Post by TheMajor
Not as long as he (whoever "he" is) can make you -do- -that-.
One more time, without the advisory that it might be
Post by TheMajor
...BUT LEAVE IT GO! GOD DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not as long as he can make you -do- -that-.
And this will be FOUR times that you've read my message, and you
likely still don't get it, do you?
Maybe this will help: If there were a Usenet Pet of the Year
contest held today, you would win hands down. Maybe you've
never heard the term before??? To be a "pet" on Usenet, you
must jump through hoops whenever your master tweeks your little
puppy dog nose.
Somebody out there *OWNS* your Usenet soul, Mr Major. As long
as they can keep writing something which provokes that type of
response from you, they are going to keep doing it and laughing
their asses off at you until they get tired of jacking you off.
Did it sink in THAT time, Mr Major? Or is this the part where
you shoot the messanger (again) and ignore the message?
Baisez-les s'ils ne peuvent pas prendre une plaisanterie
Tom Pendergast e-mail is for sissies, say it on line