Post by Gary J. EnglishLearn some netiquette and clean your sorry act up. YOUR NONSENSE doesn't
belong in the Pittsburgh newsgroups.
And you have the right o make that judgement...... WHY? I'm just curious to
know why you believe you are the pgh.* newsgroup leader... last I checked,
these were UNMODERATED, PUBLIC servers, and anyone can post here.
Post by Gary J. EnglishREALITY: A Troll followed you to a construction newsgroup.
And where did he follow me FROM sir? Hmm, NOT the paintball site, unless my
outlook has secretly filtered a harang of messages THERE from every possible
posting ID ever.
I don;t feel I have to ignore anyone just because they wish they had a set
of balls and they spew nonsense...
Post by Gary J. EnglishB. Use filter to block out troll
Not when the posting ID changes every day, and again, I don;t feel the need
to be responsibile to ignore the retards (like yourself)
Post by Gary J. EnglishC. If you don't accept A or B, confine your fights to that newsgroup
You involved, I involve Pittsburgh, after all, this post
I am replying to WAS POSTED THERE now by you - thanks:)
Uhm, you brought it as well by posting in a newsgroup I frequent... you
involved innocent bystanders into your obsession with me. And I am greatful
that they choose to ignore it and not respond to it.
You would make an excellent lawyer - either that or a teacher - you seem to
have the homework done - bravo Mr. broken-english - BRAVO!
Post by Gary J. English1) inviting trolls into the Pittsburgh newsgroups to harrass me
My god - he ACTUALLY feels harassed? Shit! Someone quick! CALL THE MAYOR!
Post by Gary J. English2) taking your fight with Jon C. of after posting a
MP3 FILE and bringing your problems back to the Pittsburgh newsgroups
to get information on him.
Hmm, I fail to see the violation of Verizon's Terms of Service... I believe
I invoked my right to ask advice in NG's of my locale... hmm... a call to
verizon may verify that I was not in any violation there. Thanks for
bringing that up, I'll be sure to confirm this with my ISP.
I also don;t see where any of that is your business... (I seem to be
repeating myself in that aspect - see a pattern here Mr. English? NO???,
hmm..... maybe I should say it more)
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorI reposted the post from the construction place BECAUSE the troll FROM THIS
Really? How did you determine that?
Gee - I distinctly remember THESE NG's being the places where the troll
started, AND continued his assault on me... do your homework... I'm sure you
will find that the majority of the troll's war against me was in the PGH
newsgroups (every so often splitting off into newsgroups after SEARCHING
archives for my existence) WAIT! Didn;t *YOU* do the same thing recently???
Sounds familiar I believe.
Post by Gary J. EnglishSince you wish to fraternize in alt.revenge where TROLLS are known to congregate,
what do you expect? WHAT DO YOU EXPECT, EDWARD?
Where I "fraternize" (sounds like I work for him ROFL) is my business (oh
god, here I am saying it AGAIN)
I expect you to stay out of it - boy was I sincerely wrong in that
assumption - here you are AGAIN (and the only one I might add) complaining
about my existence - DEAL WITH IT! I'm not going away just because you
complain. I can complain about YOU all I want, that doesn;t mean *YOU* will
go away does it? (mumbles to self: please say yes LMAO)
Post by Gary J. EnglishPost by TheMajorwent there and fuckin slammed me for no reason -
I am sure this person slammed you for a multitude of reasons. The obvious is that
he/she doesn't like you OR this person gets a kick everytime you go off the deep end
on their posts.
First, it was for no reason... I messaged a construction forum concerning
the possibility of a home improvement I wish to make... and his message to
it promoted no responses from anyone in that group - and uhm, I belive I had
said that the initial attack started in the pgh forums.
Also, My prerogitive... my choice, none of your business - gee, am I wrong?
Am I making an ILLEGAL observation that my fights are none of your business?
Hmm, shall I respond to every one of YOUR posts bitching about a city budget
or the mayor or whoever you decided to publicly libel this week (as I am
already responding to your attack on me)?
Post by Gary J. EnglishYOUR only purpose for responding to a troll and crossposting it to the Pittsburgh
newsgroups is to your intent to keep the flame wars going and seek attention.
My intention is none of your business, but hey - I'll let you in on my
actual intention seeing as you so desperately are interested in my goals...
I intend to stand up for what I believe (somewhat like you posting comments
about Pittsburgh Government and their actions)... and right now I believe a
number of things.....
1, The fight between the remailer faggot and I is none of your business
(redundancy seems to be happening here, wouldn't you say?)
2, The constant reposting of my posts AND your continued assault on me in
the paintball groups is unwarranted, and is a FEEBLE attempt at getting THEM
to flame at me again (isn;t that the job of a troll? hmm...)
3, That I have every reason to CONTINUE to reply to your pitiful libelous
With all due respect sir, if I am to grow up, according to your standards,
how can I when YOU keep posting insults and accusations??? Care to answer
THAT oh "self appointed role-model of the internet"?
Hmm..... shall I rephrase that above?
NAH! I'll wait to see if he actually listens to my offer that when he shuts
up, I will shut up (again, I doubt he understands the continued offer of
stopping this)
ATTENTION PAINTBALL PEOPLE (as I'm sure this will end up there again)
Just continue to ignore what is going on - I realize it may be a nuisance
having to download this debate, but Gary asked for it by posting my message
into this newsgroup, and I do not intend to REPLY whatsoever into
Gary's Obsession